Yea, who knows how long those will work before the trump sells out every single secret or sides with his “powerful dictator” buddies.
Yea, who knows how long those will work before the trump sells out every single secret or sides with his “powerful dictator” buddies.
Who would have known that the USians would fall for russian-style fascism after the soviets fell for US-style crapitalism :/
Moscow-first europeans 🤮
I guess putin is going to find out now if European democracy was just a little american experiment that will collapse at the americans’ whims or if it has a will of its own…
The frama suite is good too, e.g. https://framapad.org/abc/en/
Wtf…pdfs allow js to execute? Who thought that was a good idea? How about it runs flash too while we’re at it?
Maybe Europe and the media are looking away so they don’t get accused of meddling…but their enemies will accuse them of it anyway…so…help them out anyway?
WTF spain, keep the idiots away from the art
That sounds like a dutch joke.
ok, ok, got it, I’ll sign it, then.
If buying is not owning…
I agree, every country neighbouring Hungary can reestablish the border controls and keep russian “tourists” or chinese “policemen” out if they want too, this isn’t hard.
There was an article I can’t find from a year or so ago where a few libertarians were arguing that Bexit instead of giving them more freedom, took away from it, because they realized that the EU tended to limited the power of national governments to go on populist rampages on the left or the right, because the EU institutions average and balance between interests. I think they are right and if the EU were to turns…uh…fascist…by then the well would already be poisoned in most countries anyway.
They need some form of reciprocity: if you restrict these and these laws, we will restrict this and this influence in the block until you go back. e.g. you end independent media? We block you from owning any media in EU. You open the doors to visa-free russian citizens, lose access to Schengen. You take giant loans from China? Lose access to cohesion funds. You jerrymander your elections to the extreme? No votes in EU parliament/council for you…but proportional and reversible to provide an incentive to go back to normal at least a bit…obviously IANAL
PS: I mean, look at Ukraine: “you block our military aid? We block your gas.”
…linux cars? Pretty please?
funny how the far right hates commies, but takes CCP money readily. It’s poetically ironic, really.
Oh, I never noticed that, I thought they just did a transfer orbit, but yea, in all Jupiter orbiter missions so far they did all of these convoluted gravity assists. I see both Juno and Galileo did it (about 5y travel time).
Soros bad, CCP good 😜 This will keep on giving, keep an eye on vetos on EV tariffs and other trade deals.
So AfD is supported by China, russia and the US? Which major countries do we have left outside the EU to help fight fascist bullshit?