Thanks for the update! Enjoying the app so far. Looking forward to what you have in store for the future.
Are you putting together/have you shared a more detailed roadmap for what you’re tracking to accomplish during this beta phase of the app?
Thanks for the update! Enjoying the app so far. Looking forward to what you have in store for the future.
Are you putting together/have you shared a more detailed roadmap for what you’re tracking to accomplish during this beta phase of the app?
I turned the game on late around the 85th minute. Looked like Germany was having a hard time moving the ball forward & then injuries/slowdowns in stoppage time just killed any momentum left.
I did have some connection issues maybe ~7-10 days ago (would fall under the article’s time frame). I’d have to unplug/replug my phone to get it to work. I didn’t think much since I’ve had the problem in the past that ended up being a bad cable. Haven’t had to do that in about 3-4 days now though so can’t really conclude anything.
On a related note though, Android Auto and Mazda’s rotary dial don’t always work the best. Waze is hit or miss with the controls which is a damn shame. AA itself is a bit cumbersome to navigate. Just one of those I have to get used to I guess.
Just finished up Assassin’s Creed 2 - my all-time favorite game but first time playing since I had my Xbox 360. I remembered the free-running/parkour being a bit finicky but this time around it was just infuriating. Also had a hard time with some of the controls being bound correctly (navigating the map being the worst offender). I still recommend the game because the campaign, the modern day story, and the historical conspiracies sub-plot are just too good IMO. I just also found a good chunk of my time spent yelling at Ezio to jump where I wanted him to go.
Started up Dinkum for some casual play - just have an hour or so played but seems to be good so far. Not sure how much I’ll play of it - I get kind of bored with this style of game. Looking for some pointers with getting started. (Same thing happened with Stardew Valley for me)
Spyro Reignited has been really fun to pickup for quick play sessions. I do get more stutters than I’d expect on the Deck when loading levels. Think my graphics are all set to medium so prob need to tinker to get those smoothed out. Definitely recommend this game though.
Excited more like - should be a quality match.
I’ve been considering switching my PC over to Linux as well. Would you recommend it from your experience? Anything you’d do differently if you could?