It’s really quite depressing. For anyone not in the know, Changeling: the Dreaming’s main conflict is the rise of Banality (depression, adulthood, bureaucracy, the wasteland), versus the slow and inevitable leeching of Glamour (childhood, creativity, art, fantasyland) from the world. Psychologists and cubicles are just as deadly as Kithain and Fomorians, and as you can imagine, this narrative trends towards horrific in a way you just don’t really get with other fictional settings. Everything good in the world is going to lose. You can never go home. Winter is coming to the Autumn World.
Oh same! I also loved that <3 speaking as a fellow autist, heheh, though I had only read mention of that guy in brief. I should really sit down with the novels they made from the setting at some point. Really the conceit of enemies that desperately want to help you, but their “help” is actually killing you, is super interesting to me. Idk. There’s a type of horror there that is unique to CtD, and might even be why I prefer it to CtL.