Governments shouldn’t [?] whether or not specific content is ok
Yes they should.
Idk why do people act as if online content is detached from real life. Governments decide what type of content/things are ok irl all the time, literally laws are deciding what is ok for you to do and show in real life all the time, everywhere, in all aspects of life. Why do you think online content is untouchable?
In most countries going out and showing your penis in public will land you in jail, why is the government deciding this is inappropriate “content” to be in public? It is just an example out of… thousands.
What do you think would happen if you set up a huge screen on a public square irl and started playing real murder videos that happened recently to people from your own country? Do you think people would see your huge screen showing actual muders and not call the cops on you? Do you think this behaviour would not destroy your life, maybe land you in jail or get you a huge fine, get you lawuits from the victims’ families (who were real people on your videos) that you would 100% lose?
If you think governments shouldn’t decide what type of content is ok to be shared publicly on social media, I invite you to download a collection of gore videos and set up a huge screen out on the streets and see how long you manage to be showing this in public before it lands you in trouble.
You wouldn’t do it and I bet you know damn right that you getting in trouble for this is correct. Why is public social media different? Online = ethereal world where rules don’t matter?
Come on dude, online content is not detached from real life.
Remember we are talking about content shared publicly for anyone, even unintentionally, to see. Not private messages and private groups that people join willingly.
Thanks, not this in specific but it was something related to not shuting down properly. I powered off from windows by holding the off button instead of clicking on shutdown (I was afraid windows would want to install updates b/c I didn’t use it for so long). So I booted windows again and turned it off properly then Debian came back to life.
For economists (and business) students it isn’t a graphing calculator but same thing with HP12c (financial calculator). But it is only like 40 dollars.
Not open source but DaVinci Resolve is the best editor around and supports Linux.
Nothing major. In my country when people are fired they are entitled to recieve some money based on how long they’ve been an employee. One time I overpaid a dude who was fired by some 5k USD or so (converting from my local currency) which is nothing major but my boss was pissed. Luckly I just called him and asked him nicely to return the extra money and he did without being rude or anything.
Edit: just as a comparison at the same company once one of our (corporate) clients sent us the payment for a service twice by mistake, some ~200k USD that they had to pay 1x we ended up recieving twice. By comparison 5k is nothing.
This is the fediverse and that is their instance. You just move to another instance and mute them if you are desatisfied with them.
It is a partial analogy, it takes into consideration the outputs which are related to some specific training data and disconsiders the outputs which cannot be directly related to any specific training data.
For example, make up a new meme template and a new joke on the spot, it couldn’t have seen it before if you make sure your joke and template are new. If the AI can explain it then compression is a horrendous analogy.
Lossy compression explains outputs being similar but not identical when trying to recover the original data, it doesn’t explain brand new content that makes sense standalone. Imagine a lossy audio compression resulting in a brand new song midway through playback, or a lossy image compression resulting in a brand new coherent image being overlayed onto some pixels of the original image. That is not what happens, lossy audio compression results in noise, lossy image compression results in noise, not in coherent unheard songs and unseen images.
Then why did I just make this meme up right now and chat gpt can explain it?
Arguing over this is just dumb, you can yourself take any picture you want at this very moment or come up with a brand new meme template on the spot and upload it to ChatGPT to see you are wrong, it is free btw.
Oh ok, you want to claim this is compressing the entirety of the internet in a model that isn’t even 1 terabyte of data and be unimpressed that is something.
But it isn’t compression. It is a mathematical fact that neural networks are universal function approximators, this is undisputed, and analytic functions are continuous so to be an analytical function approximator it must be able to fill in the gaps between discrete data points by itself, which necessarily means spiting out data outside of the input distribution, data it has not seen.
Man the models can’t store verbatim its training data, the amount of data is turned into a model that is hundreds or thousands of times smaller than the original source data. If it was capable of simply recovering everything that it was trained on this would be some magical compression algorithm and that by itself would be extremely impressive.
A person who does [something]
I’ll use this as my credentials
Since when are uplifting memes a thing? Which version of the internet did I end up in by mistake?
Oh it was funded with tax/university money so that means a 3rd party private company, which had nothing to do at all with the funding/research, gets to profit from it gottcha.
Why don’t you go back to reddit
We who? Speak for yourself please
Yup, me on the fedi running away from big tech platforms, now meta stalking us even here bro wtf
If I wasn’t trying to get away from Meta I wouldn’t be on fucking lemmy I’d be on facebook. The whole point of me being here is I am trying to get away from them and other big tech platforms :)
You come to the fediverse for a reason.
What the heck I didn’t want to know that
Incoming a bunch of clickbait and fake advertisement about paid content that a bunch of redditors will pay for to access, and then realize the content isn’t there, isn’t what they thought it would be or isn’t worth paying for / is shit.
Hey, pay to see my sub guys, I promise there are posts with pictures of [???]. You pay and then it is all AI generated pics. Etc.