prescription inserts done for my quest 2
How is that working out for you? I just use the glasses spacer on my HP Reverb G2 but I have considered in the past getting lens replacements if its a significant improvement in some way.
When Linux gaming reaches 100 percent parity with windows, I’ll probably switch. Until then I can’t really justify it for my home PC. Give it 5 years or so, I’ve heard good things about… proton, i think it was called?
Jesus Christ, we really do already live in hell don’t we
A fence is someone who knowingly purchases stolen goods, typically for less than retail price.
Downvote are disabled on this instance. Its not a bug, its a feature!
It’s dead for me right now. I’ll miss her.
The regret rate for knee surgery is higher than the regret rate for GRS. Its always just been a transphobic talking point they don’t actually believe in used as a cudgel to restrict our rights.
I disagree. You need to fix your relationship with your employees and overuse of crunch. I won’t buy any of your shit until horror stories stop coming out of your studio. Same deal with Blizzard, did they even fire the rape guy?
There wasn’t a place in the application to write extra notes, so I’ll slap em here.
I’d be willing to moderate the anime community but I wouldn’t want to be head mod, primarily because I don’t want to be responsible for the community guidelines. I think it’d be very nice to have a community that actually moderates transphobic slur usage in the anime community, but this is a touchy subject in the anime community for some reason. I prefer to have someone else to defer to on these kinds of decisions though, because I feel like I can be pretty uptight about stuff.
i mean the word “trap” to be clear. the origin of the term is an old 4chan meme with admiral ackbar saying “its a trap”, referring to male characters who dress in fem clothes. It implies that the only goal of crossdressing is to “trap” men into dating other men. I hope I don’t have to elaborate any more on why that’s a bad thing or how specifically its transphobic (or, at best, toxic to cis/straight crossdressers).
You’re right. I think a lot of people who didn’t grow up right at the cusp of the internet weren’t actually taught any internet safety.
Rule 1: never tell anyone your ASL, especially location.
Rule 2: No personally identifying details. If you could get doxxed using this information you shouldn’t be putting it online.
Rule 3: Runescape will never ask you for your password
It’s a lot more forgiving than I make it sound, getting disease usually just means your stats go up less. Just for the love of god don’t leave it all to Tauemon, he’s wise beyond his years but he is not good at executing on that knowledge. I recommend holding off on looking up an optimal rice farming guide until you’re to the point where you can’t progress at all anymore, which for me was before the final boss.
Also, there’s an easy difficulty for both farming and combat individually (and that you can select at any time), so if you’d rather focus on one or the other you can!
Honestly? Yes, kinda. Ancestry is a lot more a cultural phenomenon than a genetic one.
So that’s why RF5 is so janky? Don’t get me wrong i’m playing it right now and deeply enjoying it, especially getting to see Doug and Margaret kicking around town again, but I have so many issues with this game lol.
The camera lags when you rotate 360 degrees around your character, sometimes the rocks that spawn on your field will be totally invisible until you save and reset, preventing you from tilling certain areas. I’m having some weird lighting issues too but that doesn’t bother me really.
On the bright side, they give you a lot of farming room quite fast if you play through the dungeons, and they finally made it possible to be a lesbian! How cruel fate is that allowed me to not get married to Margaret in RF4… For the record, I ended up with Vishnal.
I just finished Sakuna: of Rice and Ruin.
Its one of the best farming games I’ve ever played, but it’s also like… a real ass simulation game. You don’t get to grow whatever you want, you will grow rice and you’ll either like it or leave. Kept your paddy’s water level too high? Mold. Didn’t get rid of pests? Disease. Didn’t keep enough water in on a hot day? Uh oh, water evaporated and now your rice is under watered. If the waters too cold it won’t absorb nutrients right.
It’s also 50 percent a action rpg platformer, but don’t think you can get around doing the bare minimum in the farming just to play it: your stats are directly reliant on how good you rice farm. No level grinding through combat.
I really enjoyed it but I’m still not sure who the target demographic for this game was. How big is the overlap between “traditional rice farmers” and “action rpg enjoyers”? At any rate, I high key reccomend it if you think you could be interested in rice farming whatsoever, because the story is great too.
When did people forget basic internet safety? ANYTHING you put on the internet could stay there forever.
Do you have a suggestion for a replacement? I’ve been looking for something to write in and didn’t want to buy MS office.
Rune factory 4 actually came to PC as of 2021 so you don’t have to own a 3ds to play it anymore. I’m currently playing RF5, and I’m enjoying it.
I just got put on Strattera (bipolar 2 and adhd) and i gotta say it’s been working pretty good for me
far right group advocates for website that caters to far right groups
not even remotely a surprise to me, beyond I guess the fact that the taliban would have said anything at all about it