I would, but I ran out of crayons
I would, but I ran out of crayons
Hell ya. Real magic is the feelings we felt along the way. Swimming in bioluminescent waters is one of my favorite life experiences
Beer at stadiums in America are like $15 each, I’m sure that stops some overconsumption
American Wasteland was great!
What a legend. Had a similar rant to my Aunt a few months ago
Canada/Cascadia, Cancadia
Before I was diagnosed, this was legit how I thought. I got lucky, it usually worked
Haha that just sounds like a list of gibberish words! I love tech naming when it doesn’t include Copilot or a lowercase i :p
I’ve sadly never seen this, thank you!
There is one exactly like it at Snoqualmie Pass in Washington State, US
I get very lucky finding nice size 13 shoes at thrift stores. But yeah, almost never in store
Would still love instructions for a 5 thousand piece Enterprise and Bat’leth for mini figs:D
Yes! Inverted reviews! Love it!
Hashtag blessed
My favorite memories included working with my dad in a similar way. Miss him a lot, glad he taught me so much and challenged me to develop new skills/strengths. Thanks for helping me remember that 🙂
In case we die, architecture in Helsinki
Working in the Walmart bakery, I’d spend hours in the freezer organizing or counting stock. Standing near or in that oven was the only relief available.
Worst year of my life, they really see and treat you like cattle.
The embedded tooth really does it for me
My coworker was frustrated that his laptop kept shutting down randomly, going to sleep while he was typing. I looked at his wrists and asked if he was wearing magnetic bracelet, which was 100% the cause. Laptop has magnet sensors to detect the lid was closing, so it went to sleep. His destress (/s) tool became the source of considerable stress until I figured that out