There is the same kind of special snowflake attitude on here that ruined Reddit. You people only want to have your exclusive social bubble where you can sniff each other’s farts. I’m not interested in that.
There is the same kind of special snowflake attitude on here that ruined Reddit. You people only want to have your exclusive social bubble where you can sniff each other’s farts. I’m not interested in that.
Actually the whole of left-wing ideologies is based on the concept of fighting human hierarchies i.e. it literally predisposes the existence of an elite class. Capitalism/Socialism is only a subset of that. I’m not sure how you can be a human adult (?) with and kind of lived experience and claim that it all boils down to the economic system. Have you never interacted with other humans irl?
Can we agree that so far humanity has not manage to create an anti-fragile governing system? We engineer ever more complex governing systems, but humans keep figuring out ways to corrupt them. I cannot envision a system that would be anti-fragile, hence the need for periodic resets. Even my local council ruling over a village of a couple of thousand souls has been embroiled in corruption scandals.
Going back to the original topic, I don’t think it is the priority of the electorate to change the system. First they want to change the people in charge, which is a per-requisite to changing the system anyway.
With regards to the voting system, look at Germany. They have 6 parties and the AfD, but really only two choices. Having multiple parties doesn’t really make as much of a difference as you think it does. Political parties are formed from the same class of elites so they tend to converge on all political topics that matter. There is only divergence when you have another class of wanna-be elites trying to dethrone them. That would be the AfD or MAGA.
I think this is the crux of the problem: no matter the government and electoral system, you still end up with a government formed out of a narrow subset of the population, the elites of the day. This is inevitable because each political environment will select for some select few traits. And the only time you get disruption is when a new set of elites tries to dethrone them.
Now you can conjure some kind of system by which the government is explicitly not formed out of some elite class. Like worker councils or some such idea. However, you then run into a problems such as lack of continuity (governing terms being too short) and lack of expertise. There are also some advantages to having a government run by a (competent) elite class. So you see, it’s not so simple.
But overall the electorate feels excluded when you have a government that is run by people who are so alien to them and who are clearly completely disconnected from the everyday man. And unfortunately the only protest the electorate has is to vote for another set of wanna-be elites in the hope that the resulting political disruption will unset some of the most harmful of the current crop. It’s generally good when the elites are in-fighting.
He’s right though. One of the reasons the US is so technologically dominant is because of the brain drain. Of course there are also employers and employees who abuse and try to game the VISA system. That is also true.
I feel like people are talking over each other. The top 0.1% of talent goes to the US because the US has better growth opportunities and better prospects than any other place on earth. It’s not just about sourcing talent. It’s also about denying competitors that same talent.
It helped liberals pinkwash their crimes. Reminds me of that meme of the B-54 on a bombing raid with the pride flag on its side.
Left/Right does it actually matter?
Whether you have a more capitalist or more socialist system, you will still have an establishment, an elite class*. People are disillusioned with that class of people and want to kick them out. If we had a more socialist system we could still be in this same situation, so what does it actually solve? People just want to hit the reset button every so often when the elite become too greedy. That’s really all there is to it.
*Spare me your anarchist fantasies.
I’m going to go a bit against the trend here and say that his main issues are probably a lack of social opportunities (he’s probably some kind of techbro living in a sausage factory) and an inability to play his part in terms of making the moves.
If it necessitated a good personality to attract women, as you all on here seem to believe, the world would be a much better place than it really is. And I also find it ironic that the implication is that women are somehow the better sex that is above the same ugly worldviews that a man might have. Again, I do not see any evidence for that. Think of the most evil man along any dimension and he had a woman or multiple ones.
I find meeting people at all to be the biggest hurdle.
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I think the west made up a narrative about postwar Germany and that narrative is now being exposed.
Immigrant who lives in Germany here. This post is a bunch of lies. On this topic there are a lot of politically motivated astroturfers who take over whole comment sections to push their false narratives.
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A classmate said that they collaborated on a project on JFK’s assassination and he was obsessed with the topic. I think he just wanted the infamy. Also it is pretty clear to me at this point that there was no strong political motive. He left no manifesto and did not even have any extensive political history on his devices.
Forgive the FoxNews link but this video is the best I found: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6358301112112
The moment I installed it, yay broke. To fix it, if any of you need this: do an ln -s to the .so that is being requested. This allows yay to work again. Use yay to upgrade yay. Finally remove the symbolic link.
That is literally exactly what is happening. MtF transwomen are considered men by haters and hence get the male treatment of crass jokes and lack of support.
By itself this is not that big of an issue. A much bigger issue is the gender imbalance that you find in certain localities due to local governments, universities and companies not taking this gender imbalance into account. But I’m glad that you brought up this issue.