Don’t stress, the plastic’s got 'em. Thanks for taking the time to share your explanations though.
Don’t stress, the plastic’s got 'em. Thanks for taking the time to share your explanations though.
I beleive the Ukrainian government said something along the lines of “we’re willing to negotiate as long as there are assurances of support should Russia resume invading” and were told they would get no auch assurance from the US…
So is your positon
a) european countries should put boots on the ground
b) a country should stop their defence with no 3rd party guarantees of protection should promises get broken
c) something else?
Land of the free, patriots of the eagle, when my side does anything, it’s totally leagle
Said Canada to the US…
Wonder if they will ask certain athletes to remove necklaces etc.
Bro you’re gross. 21 year old travels to another country and has sex with a 12 year old. This was not a technicality.
You keep repeating that the “scale of ethics” is incomparable but flip flop between “theyre not omnicient or omnipotent”… “but maybe they are”
And what does “balance” have to do with ethical behaviour without you begging the question.
“If we assume the existence of god, we have to assume a lot of other things too” and…???
Ultimately you spent a lot of time stating the cop-out argument of “its beyond us mere mortals”. To which I can fairly respond… no.
My man, raspberry jam is where it"s at. Perfect sweet/tart to PB ratio. No other spread has beaten it yet.
What’s a “real American” and why does their opinion hold objective value?
Thanks so much, thats what Im doing right now! Repairing a ship, building a base. So so much fun
No mans sky. Had it for a while, time to explore planets.
I feel the need to contribute so the community continues to thrive.
Thanks a lot for the post! Super nice to hear. Would also like to point out that “the customer is always right” was originally meant for sales. I.e. if they want a meat themed car, sell it to them, dont tell them its in bad taste. So for more ways than one treat those that serve you with respect. Theyre serving the community, not your servants.
If you mean the slider, fair enough.
If you were like me and didn’t know about the double slider; if you drag the comment left, the first symbol is to collapse to parent, if you keep dragging a bit further, it goes to reply. Hope that helps!