Even most delivery vehicles should be replaced by either cargo bikes or by spur lines off the railroad.
I just don’t think it’d be practical to fill entire grocery stores worth of stuff on bikes. You’re not dealing with a few packages of office supplies. You’re dealing with entire warehouse districts worth of stuff having to move across cities. Even with reduced consumption, the amount of people needed to transport that on bikes would probably be more than the local population.
Yep, and that’s why most people should ride bikes and then use public infrastructure as needed. But automobiles are still necessary, unless you mean to bike in all the equipment you’d find in an ambulance.
so a post-personal-car future is still viable
It takes 160,000 bicycles to incur the road maintenance cost of a single personal car.
Are we disagreeing here or are you just mentioning a statistic?
I think libs are under the (false) impression that roads are both completely mandatory in society
They kinda are in local transport to be fair. You can’t transport truck loads of stuff by bike to grocery stores. This necessitates some level of automobile road to get there. What’s unnecessary is regional/national roads for commerce. Most cities would still require road maintenance just for EMS and local commerce even if they had a robust public infrastructure. The good news is that buses can use these roads as well so a post-personal-car future is still viable. Roadless cities are not.
I was listening to NPR today and some dipshit said it was a “Debt cancellation plan” then the idiot interviewer asked “But they still have to pay it all back right?” Dipshit said “Yes but with less interest so it’s still fulfilling Biden’s promise.”
I literally fucking screamed in my car. I have almost been killed by some drivers before but THIS is what caused me to flip my shit. I was so mad that I didn’t even feel bad when someone gave me a glare.
No, I’m literally unironically soyfacing at the rotato. It’s hands down the best emoji I’ve seen.
Cities do suck dick though.
Too loud, too many people, not enough trees.
“It was a SPIDER and it was a SPIDER the WHOLE TIME!”
Do you plan to run a train through every grocery store, stop to unload at each stop, and still expect to get everything there at the same time?
We don’t live in a wildwest train town. Our cities are not built around trains and unless you plan to literally tear down the entirety of New York it will not work.