I’d like to think Australia has a nice middle ground design to their sockets/plugs without the foot destroying bulk. Still get the shutter variants for bathrooms too.
Info Sec - Software Engineer - Game Designer - Mod Dev - Digital Artist
I’d like to think Australia has a nice middle ground design to their sockets/plugs without the foot destroying bulk. Still get the shutter variants for bathrooms too.
A road near me added obnoxious speed bumps in an industrial zone that was already reduced to 50km/h solely for the gambling seniors to get to the RSL (Returned Services League, a glorified casino for seniors/veterans), again built in an INDUSTRIAL ZONE with frequent semi-trucks.
For devs who routinely boast about their (ineffective) anti-cheat, this is truly some amateur hour code. No wonder cheaters run rampant in their games.
As much as I agree the 30% cut can be a bit steep, I do appreciate that part of it is going into ongoing R&D like Steam Deck and Proton benefiting the whole gaming industry. I’d like to think of it like Valve are investing into PC innovation similarly to the way Playstation, Xbox and Nintendo do for their new consoles.
Sums up every Node project I’ve had the displeasure of looking at. The lock file being the only thing holding the twisted web of versions keeping that franken-app running between a minefield of incompatibilities and buggy hacks.
God help us all if we have to break out the Emus
I’m inclined to agree, otherwise it would be like calling a FPV kamakazi drone a missile.
Naming aside, kinda terrifying that these could theoretically be travelling autonomously far deeper than any sub thanks to the lack of a pressure vessel.
Only if you call the deep-throating spez is giving him ‘mentoring’. It’s starting to make WSB loss porn look mild in comparison to the ongoing conga line of platform self-destruction.
I opted to switch to NewPipe and YMusic and haven’t looked back since.
Oh it was so much worse than that. Google indirectly banned every 3rd party app on the Play Store from streaming videos in the background to push that feature. Seemingly overnight every app that could do it vanished or cut the feature. Sure you can sideload a fix but your average non-savvy users got screwed into paying up.
I’d like to think Typescript does a lot of heavy lifting where JS fails when it comes to web development. On the otherhand there is no fixing fundamental flaws in PHP.
Sure bad programmers write bad code, but if a language tolerates something so obviously janky via implicit unseen magic, it’s just encouraging bad practices. PHP makes this worse by tweaking core behaviours in weird and wacky ways that can easily lead to security vulnerabilities.
I’ve been working with PHP for two years now (not by choice) but I still sometimes forget the weird behaviours these not-arrays cause. Recently I was pushing/popping entries in a queue and it fucked the indexing. I had programmed it like I would any other sane language and it wasn’t until I was stepping through the bug I realised I had forgotten about this.
I hate PHP for so many more reasons. It baffles me why anyone would think it was a good idea to design it this way. Thankfully my current job involves actively burning it down and preparing for its replacement.
As a software engineer who has dealt with so many incidents resulting from the garbage coming out of salesforce. SO. MUCH. THIS.
I swear it’s always in a perpetual state of duct tape no matter where I see it used.
Depends really. Nowadays publishers push out fake CGI marketing trailers and paid reviews to premptively muddy those information sources long before release. Same goes for social media (not that they were ever reliably accurate or objective anyway). There are even promises of DLC roadmaps that never materialise such as the OW2 story mode.
By the time actual independent reviewers have their embargoes lifted, the preorder sales window has closed and it wouldn’t make much difference to those who already sunk money into the game. Those waiting in vain for DLC and patches are merely sacrificing their refund window.
I’m not surprised in the slightest. The politicians and managers in charge of said gov systems are usually of an age that have no idea the basics of how technology works, let alone infosec importance. It’s then contracted out to the lowest bidder on deadlines that wouldn’t permit proper hardening anyways. It’s not even a US specific issue, Australians deal with this dumb fuckery regularly.
Then you get some piss poor public apology, someone gets thrown under a bus, and the cycle repeats ad infinatum.
As someone else who uses Tailscale behind a CGNAT, this indeed works. I use it for accessing my home server from the office for a year now. You can’t quite self host anything public facing but anything on your tailnet can talk to it just fine.
Theoretically a VPS proxy into the server over the VPN could work for devices not capable of running tailscale but your mileage may vary.
They support CCS as the protocol
CCS is is only supported through a PLC translation chip on the vehicle side or a rare Magic Dock adaptor, and only when one side is non-Tesla. Outside of that, CCS is not a factor and the proprietary 11bit CAN bus protocol is used natively. Hence, Tesla controls every side of the equation on their protocol and payment processing without having to communicate with 3rd parties.
Name a charging provider that operates in a country tesla does not?
ABB chargers in India
Tesla you get quick wireless security updates, no waiting for a recall notice and trip back to the dealer.
This isn’t new or innovative. OTA updates for cars have been around years before EVs. But usually those don’t stop the car from starting then still be towed to said dealer because the update wasn’t properly tested or have fallbacks in case of failure.
Point is, shit is going to happen across the board for everyone and Tesla is NOT some golden child. It’ll just be another Apple case where dumb security claims get touted until hackers bring them down a peg or two.
Expecting all network operators to do that is not feasible or reliable. Tesla controls the car, protocol, charger, and payment processing. Everyone else outside the walled garden is openly handling a much bigger market with many more variables in more countries. Forcing customers to use an app for each brand of charger is also an accessibility nightmare. Fear mongering about skimmers is a dumb reason to remove traditional payment methods.
This is all before we get to the lack of screen or keypad means fuck all to security (it’s also an accessibility issue to remove them). If I can break into a Tesla charger wirelessly and fuck with your car, I’m going to do it, walled garden or not. Just look at the state of IoT.
EDIT: This comment aged well https://thedriven.io/2023/07/18/tesla-supercharger-spotted-with-credit-card-reader/
Just pull another Cambridge Analytica with it and watch the world burn. The shady siphoning of data for years until the secret leaks would skyrocket everyone’s anxiety about who had what and questioning everything around them all while conspiracies spiral out of control. If it were searchable at least you’d know, but this way the unknown would be so much worse.
Have fun with that mental image.
How else are they going to milk their talentless techbro cash cows? Can’t have China popping that imaginary wealth bubble now can we. /s