Or worse, it was an n:1 and they want it n:n
Or worse, it was an n:1 and they want it n:n
So you just don’t touch anything in public, ever?
If the sink isn’t hands free you just walk out?
Grab fancy bottles of wine that are empty, fill with crap wine, reaffix the seal using mending. Move from town to town selling.
Or at least that’s the theory. The real fancy wineries probably have some sort of arcane seal that mending won’t repair.
Same thing with letters. Break the seal, read/replace contents, reseal.
Mending can be really handy.
That’s a really good question, I think they should, as the AI just works with what it’s given and if that means less thrusting then it’s probably happier.
It makes long distance vehicles feel a lot better too. It inspired me to make a runway, add the speed mod and then set the max speed to 300m/s.
Water piks are a lifesaver. While I’m sure they are not as good as flossing they do get your gums healthy enough to take a mild beating. At that point you could floss here and there to remove biofilm.
I mean, if you started a social media club and there was a dearth of over-30s tech people, that would be a pretty telling thing wouldn’t it?
The whole if you see a bomb technician running, you better run thing.
Get the wings mod if you don’t already. Such a game changer.
The real question is, is it wrong to fuck an awakened bear who shapeshifts into a human?
I don’t believe that’s the case, we have a tendency to put bad people in a spotlight so they end up being a part of our life more than they should, but not because they are so common.
I think it doesn’t help that a lot of our understanding of how people act is based in debunked psychology studies from an era where cocaine was part of a healthy and complete breakfast.
I usually put mine on at 45° but then rotate it to 90° to get good grill marks. /s
Yeah, it certainly lost its charm when comment sections became more like Facebook’s/YouTube’s/Your-local-newspapers-website’s.
“Hey guys, this one is totally fine with having us Nazis, let’s all go over there!”
I’m honestly amazed that I haven’t succumbed and downloaded it.