Never seen that before lol. Was kinda rooting for Chaos at the end
Never seen that before lol. Was kinda rooting for Chaos at the end
Thanks! Looks pretty active. I wonder why their are so few subscribers?
Does anyone know if there’s an active One Piece community on Lemmy? I’m subscribed to one but it seems dead. It’s one of the few things I still go back to Reddit for
I’m curious, how do people feel about these remakes replacing the old games? I for example have only played RE 1 HD Remake and RE 2 Remake and most likely will never play the originals. As someone who enjoyed the games but isn’t in love with the series do you think this is ok? That these games are basically replacing the old ones?
True, god Endwalker was so good
Hope it’s good. Feels a bit weird going from Endwalker which honestly felt like a definitive ending to what looks like a beach episode in Mexico lol. I actually thought we’d be spending less time with the scions too and meet new characters instead but I guess not? I’m still excited though. Need to find some time to catch up to 6.5 before summer next year
Ryan Gosling plays the main character but is completely emotionless. It’s actually so bad it’s funny. The soundtrack is great though
Rest in peace. 40 is way too early. I hope his family are doing alright
The last one I properly played was Revelations and I couldn’t even finish it. You can only do the same thing so many times before it gets stale and loses all its charm. I tried black flag but was so sick of the AC formula that I ended up refunding it after an hour.
Now they all seem like the definition of mid. I’ve seen videos of Valhalla and it looks like a Witcher 3 clone with none of the interesting characters or good writing.
This series needs a long break before I’d ever consider buying one again. I guess it keeps selling well every year though so…
I wonder what the player numbers are like compared to Overwatch 1? Since it’s “free” now I guess they have way more players. So glad I never got super into any of Blizzards games. If one of my favourite game developers was this scummy I’d be so disappointed
It’s been a while since I played these games. Sigh… I guess it’s time to get depressed again
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