To strengthen our collective security, which is shared among all who care to see- While Microsoft rarely deigns to even give an error code when shit breaks.
Enjoy wailing at whatever enters your imagination.
Your words, they smell of lazy deceit.
Challenge accepted.
If he means all the welfare we afford our oligarchs, it makes sense.
Sonder (noun): the feeling one has on realizing that every other individual one sees has a life as full and real as one’s own, in which they are the central character and others, including oneself, have secondary or insignificant roles: In a state of sonder, each of us is at once a hero, a supporting cast member, and an extra in overlapping stories.
Where is the Windows ‘help’ button, did you try that?
Remember that time drumpf assasinated a very popular Iranian general, because he didn’t like all the press about his impeachment?
Not a lib but that’s one reason out of almost infinity, dingus.
Just tried it and, yes. Jpg, Png, and Webp open as a half-second video. Actually kinda neat, I adjusted gamma, saturation, and saved a copy with 3 button presses. Well, 4 if you count pause…
Someone oughta tell this journalist my gimp ass takes issue with their calling my condition, ‘controversial and problematic’.
You think this quote’s far fetched? Are You OK?
had the same issue on my asus rog- never tried the xfce power manager but solution for me was adding to my ~/.xprofile:
xset s off -dpms