Letterboxing has significantly reduced threat presented by window sizing. https://support.torproject.org/glossary/letterboxing/
Sad soy boi beta cuck from the webbernets, planet Erf.
Letterboxing has significantly reduced threat presented by window sizing. https://support.torproject.org/glossary/letterboxing/
The company behind massive music festivals like EDC.
Pseudonymous, not anonymous. It’s a little difference, but one that can determine whether you land behind bars/dead/doxxed.
Even with that repo it doesn’t come up. Not sure how long it takes for it to appear, GitHub is showing the release was tagged about three hours ago as of this writing.
People democratically sat on their asses and didn’t bother to fucking vote. More people abstained from voting than actually voted for either candidate. The real winner of the election was apathy. We deserve whatever fucked up outcome we get.
When there’s less shit to be angsty about.
It’s not all that expensive. The cost of storage is constantly decreasing over time. You can get a safe deposit box for something like $10/year if you also want the added benefit of an offline copy. I haven’t looked at cloud storage pricing, so I dunno what that runs.
You can always give it a run and add a report. Also, if it doesn’t work, give the app devs feedback that it is preventing you from using it. It might not be much but we can at least try to make our voices heard.
Were you using sandboxed Play Services? Having multiple apps doing their own notification listeners can definitely impact battery, but I’ve not had an issue.
Problem is, there’s an entire generation of users that have gotten super used to “discard changes” as a means of signalling “on second thought, don’t do anything”.
Blame the fucked electoral system that is completely flawed from a game theory perspective. Doesn’t matter the candidates, their positions, or which election cycle it is, the thing is buggy and broken as shit, and we’ve never bothered patching it.
The comment that kicked this whole thread off said she was his puppet. Seems like you’re the one that jumped to “consensual and willing Russian asset”.
You recognize that the electoral system is fucked enough that it doesn’t matter if it’s Greens, Libertarians, Communists, they all are relegated to the role of spoiler candidate purely from a game theory perspective? If she actually wanted to enact change her entire campaign would be focused down ballot where it’s viable to get some ground, rather than taking on the role of the dog chasing the garbage truck that is the presidency. Whether she is knowingly helping Trump or Putin doesn’t matter, the end result is still the same.
If this is illegal, does that mean Cards Against Humanity’s recent voting stunt is also?
deleted by creator
We’re already paying more money for worse care. So dumb.
It rounds the browser window to the nearest 100x100 window size. Using the default will likely be the biggest dataset to hide yourself in, but maximizing the window will still have some amount of obfuscation.