Hey, so it’s not jerboa based and I ended up pushing it back a few weeks, but I’m now looking for beta testers on Android if you’re interested
As for the name, I think I’m going with Luna for several reasons, a big one being that someone suggested it and Flemmy was the only name I could think of beforehand
I’m posting updates to !flemmy@lemmy.world for now, if you’re interested I’ll be posting instructions for the beta soon.
Whether you’re interested or not I’d love to get feedback. I’m good with data and UX flow, but I mostly just comment - I need to learn how other people want to use Lemmy
I mean, keeping them local is easy - if anything much easier. I like the idea of summoning them, maybe a mod summoning and banishing them to have them watch a community
And bots shouldn’t be acting like humans, they should be doing things only they could or should do. Like haiku bot, n-word bot, things like tallying votes for AITA, or even tracking nominations and building best of communities
They were misused on Reddit, but we can do more with them here. Probably starting a goodbot that messages admins so they can stay ahead of the inevitable bot explosion