Samsung Dex?
Exploring the Fediverse!
Samsung Dex?
Frietpan Frank is that you?!
This is SPARTA!
Another reason to not by any Asus stuff.
Bioshock series
Never heard of that, I just remembered from my dad that clockwise is tight and counterclockwise is loose.
Happend to me once. I was lazy so I made a Lego mouse clicker. I went away to eat and upon return my character was killed. Not sure if I was banished to a different place. Sad times for a 13 year old.
Your forgot to add the 69
Zembla, a Dutch independent journalism TV program, made a video regarding a big PFAS cover-up in The Netherlands: https://youtu.be/y3kzHc-eV88. If you ask me, PFAS is worse the plastic.
Be aware to not hose them off when they have been exposed to sunlight for a certain amount of time. Solar panels become extremely hot and cold water will crack the glass panel.
True, you always put your finger in your mouth when making the ‘eu’ sound. Source: I’m Dutch.
I noticed this too on Memmy (iOS).
They misspelled their service, should be: threats (to your privacy).
Country, I live in The Netherlands so I searched for a Dutch hosted instance with Dutch owner.
I just blow the wasp away when it comes to close. Though the most important advice is to stay calm, people always freak-out and thát will get you stung.
Once on the internet, always on the internet.