This might be it. Depending on how the sound is mixed the voice might cancel itself out since it’s usually similar between left and right and the instruments are not. So they will not experience the same interference
Well that’s annoying. This is the first time I hear about this game and it looks kinda good. I hope the studio can turn around and restart development at some point
But when is RCS provided as an API like text messages, so we can get third party apps?
Sooo what was the bug? That it didn’t randomise MACs when connecting?
How does this work against DNS blocks? I assume if you use your ISPs DNS server and they block that domain ECH won’t help
I like the point about LLMs interpolating data while humans extrapolate. I think that’s sums up a key difference in “learning”. It’s also an interesting point that we anthropomorphise ML models by using words such as learning or training, but I wonder if there are other better words to use. Fitting?
So in conclusion, he liked it. Enough to turn up on his top 10 of the year list?
It’s really annoying they haven’t made an RCS API public. Do you know if they’ve made any statement as to why?
The article presents some good suggestions. It’s pretty bonkers that taking the train across borders in Europe is more difficult and expensive than a plane
Which is also what the article is arguing. As soon as a majority of users are subject to this the websites can discriminate. If only safari does this it’s still bad but not very bad
Ah that makes sense. Thanks!
Wouldn’t an a area of low gravitational pull create a hill instead of a valley in the ocean?
Is there some news coverage on the mali governments actions? I couldn’t find anything on my quick google search
SAND… I guess I am coarse and rough
Just a nice lil compliment to end the week on, however good or bad its been, to make everyones day better :)
for a sailor in need:
Well that highly depends on location. I think that’s illegal in most of Europe