its simple its because im a communists.
its simple its because im a communists.
“but but but biden is so bad, trump must be better in foreign policy”
so many of those brain dead biden is bad post around here lately that fail to undestand that less bad doesnt mean good and if the foreging policy is going to be the same cuz its run by the deep sate anyways u may as well vote for the regime that gives us a few public transport crumbs.
just because something isnt to ur taste doesnt mean it should not exits. It does exists because someone thought it was worth making and as long as no one was hurt in the making of it why should u care. And i would guess the point of being edgy is just to be edgy to some people thats just cool.
its more like “its ok as long as its “deserved””
Maybe its true, in the west they dont disappear journalist, here those who run afoul of the ruling class simply suicide by shooting themselves… in the back of the head… with a revolver… twice. Discretion is just not necessary.
yeah and chickens are everywhere.
its good math absolutely horrible psychology(because its not meant to be). If u want insight into the logic and math it is meant to describe then yeah its great and its cool if u want insight into the motives and future actions of people which is what it is generally sold as in pop science settings and grifts its not insightful at all. It is a field of mathematics u wouldn’t study calculus to understand people better game theory is no different, the idea that it would help is ridiculous.
u can “touch grass” without going outside there are other things to do without going outside besides being mad at the shitty part of the internet maybe try to find new hobbies, there are even things to do on the internet that dont involve social media, or range bait content, watc some movies, read some books, read some non political (or maybe differently political would be better) like science news.
but besides that u stop engaging with content by just doing it, the algorithms for all social media and content websites just feed u waterver u click on/watch if u just ignore that stuff it will disappear from ur feeds, so just find other stuff u actually like to watch and specifically search for it and ignore “recommendations” as far as reddit goes dont go to r/all just look at specific communities that u like.
they have made it plenty clear that what isntreal wants is to go as far as expelling the entire gaza population to the sinai desert or murdering them, and considering the lack of a response from the world i think its going to happen.
well they do make it very very easy to boycott them.
i think they call them terrorist to strike fear in the hearts of random people because it makes it easier to justify killing them, but sure they also do that.
I see ur point that israel is a neocolony of the west, and i suppose i miss interpreted what u meant when u called israelis neocolonialists, i thought u meant that Palestine was a neocolony of israel which i would disagree with, their relation is much closer to what the us had with indegenous nations in the 19th century.
neocolonialists??? these are straight up colonists, neo colonialism is what the US is doing in Puerto Rico or most African countries for example this is just straight up old school plainly genocidal settler colonialism.
think about what u said for a minute, representation should not be an afterthought, media should show the diversity of the society that made it or atleast the society its trying to depict first and foremost because it should be something that should not even have to be thought about. “representation” should be the starting position, otherwise u are saying that straight white male is the default and anything other than that would be the producers of the media going out of their way to add representation.
just to be clear the “rumor” is that one guy on reddit went “they have a female lead, they are now woke, i bet shes trans”.
cool guy i like his jester hat but i think his a bit weird talking to the night mother alone and all that, but i think we can have a great friendship since i know he would never betray me.
cool but nothing u said has anything to do with this, while im sure the “settler colonial mindset” has some effect on something, Canada and Australia have the same mindset but they dont have the same problem clearly it is not the deciding factor as the original person said.
are u blind? the crumbs are here we have seen billions in public transport infrastructure and a few new amtrak services, like i said crumbs but if its that or literally nothing then u know soemthing is better than nothing, and i dont “play ball” because i dont vote because it involves doxing urself and i dont think its worth it. im just annoyed by the endless stream of post i have seen lately of people arguing that biden is literally the same as trump and therefore u should vote for trump for… resons??? or people willfully not understanding that less bad doesnt doesnt and has never meant good.