Based on the interaction with the app. The features are extensive. There’s no ads. My data has most likely been leaked by American companies anyways, so what’s the big deal?
Based on the interaction with the app. The features are extensive. There’s no ads. My data has most likely been leaked by American companies anyways, so what’s the big deal?
Rednote doesn’t have ads
So far it’s been a wildly better experience
Or just go to rednote instead
I like Pineapple jalapeno and pepperoni, but the magic is the pineapple and jalapeno. It almost creates a whole new flavor and it’s awesome.
Sounds like another great reason for Amazon workers to organize a labor union.
If those were in the US it would have one guy in a huge truck parked diagonally across the entire space.
China keeps taxes low by investing directly in businesses instead of shelling out grants and tax breaks. It’s been incredibly effective.
Well I already deleted the app and it’s not available on the app store. So long fake Chinese app. I’m going to a real Chinese app instead.
A machine could never come up with a word like CummasaurusFlex. Only a human is that stupid.
If all my data is for sale and China can just buy all my data from Meta, Amazon, Google, etc. Then why not just skip the middleman? At least if I give my data directly to the CCP, Zuckerberg won’t have access to it.
I just learned from red note that Chinese people don’t pay property taxes. Once they pay off their mortgage, they just own their home. I’m definitely the one living in a third world country.
Our phones are full of blatant authoritarian spyware already. What’s one more? I’d rather the CCP own my data than Meta or Microsoft anyways.
Dialects explains that the world is full of contradictions and opposing forces. When these opposing forces come together, they can form a new thing. An easy example is to look at multiple opposing news sources to piece together the entire truth of an event.
Dialectical materialism is Marx’s concept that contradictions in material conditions of life are what drive historical change. Primarily that the economic base (economic classes, resources, working conditions) is what shapes the superstructure of society (laws, politics, culture.)
If you don’t like it, go back to Reddit.
Commie sounds like a baby leftist that hasn’t read Das Kapital yet. He wouldn’t be trying to make this argument if he actually read Marx.
I mean, that’s literally the conclusion that Richard Wolff came to. Call it whatever, just as long as we do it.
The boss can still be bossy if elected. Your 5 year rule is silly and does not address the overlying problem, which is that the CEO works for the shareholders and they only care about making record quarterly profit gains at any cost.
CEOs should just be elected by the employees
Good point. I’ve never seen an ad on it and I’ve been using it for at least a week. There’s sponsored content, but you’d have to go looking for it. Like if I wanted to watch some videos about Nike shoes, I’d see sponsored videos and such. But no actual ads.