As we’ve seen over the past decade (well, past few decades, tbh), changing the word only moves the objectionable meaning onto the new word. The goal is to address the meaning, but it feels like so much energy is being spent on addressing the words themselves that the meaning never gets dealt with…
…which I guess is understandable for those who have given up hope of the meaning being addressed, but then why spend the effort on the word?
It’s definitely unique in my collection, that’s for sure.
You’ve taken your first steps into a larger brighter world.
Primarily fun, though I could see a lot of use cases in areas like construction and general outdoorsy stuff. Had a friend drooling over my Sofirn SP70, saying it would be perfect for checking on his livestock in the early morning.
Things like that.
Unsuccessfully ignoring the implications.
I’ve been thinking about going 26800 in my D4SV2s but haven’t pulled the trigger. Which supplier did you get these from?