The Supreme Court of the US recently ruled a little corruption is okay, as a reward.
The Supreme Court of the US recently ruled a little corruption is okay, as a reward.
50 l 50 he’s looking at memory of “that one time with Epstein and those girls”, or in a Big Mac coma.
Babies shit and piss themselves constantly.
Do you think they know Gen X used to say " No caps!" Or " No capp’in!" ?
President Elon watches from his swasticar parked across the road. His face flush, tense, breath hitchng; and obvious strain through his body. Teremulous, he rasps, “Cuck me Vlad, cuck me so good!!!”
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Because it doesn’t spark outrage. Outrage is the swiss army knife of the new fascists. It’s distracting us from all the horrific shit they are doing, we’re overwhelmed with rapid insane information so we can’t focus on what they just did, and it allows them to subtilty shift “normal” their direction; thus all opposition must be “radical”.
Yes, smell and sound.
Corps don’t give a fuck about an antitrust law suit. In the US, the party that pays the most to jerk off CEOs just got put in charge. Even if it was the other party, who only pays slightly less, the most extreme fines are a slap on the wrist. Hell, come Jam 20th it’ll probably a tax write off.
Until the EU levies fines that would kneecap these companies out of business, there is no incentive to change the behavior.
Interesting observation. I think most cats demonstrate Machiavellian narcissistic traits.
It was exactly like this in 2016. It was just a lot harder for laymen to spot. Many clinicians discussed feeling a responsibility to warn vs interpretation of the “Goldwater Rule”.
It’s tripping me up you had to point out you’re not a boomer instead of just saying you’re from Gen X.
Calling other phones.
Concerned about growing human and environmental rights, corporations pressure governments to create new unregulated zones to better exploit people and land.
This already exists! Many states have a denial clause in their concealed carry weapons permitting that is 🙄 justified🙄 for, “good cause” or “good moral character”. Given the rate of mass shootings, and the disproportionate number of them being committed by white men, it’s not a jump to say without clear definitions “good cause”, and “good moral character” are just another codified excuse to justify systemic oppression.
A few weeks ago I did the math. In my very liberal corner of the US, one egg was worth 2.002 9mm rounds, or 1.6 12 gauge shells.
In other terms, it’s not cost effective to sell the guns in order to buy food.