Personally, I’m hoping Zelensky will run for US president after strong Dien in Ukraine. You might be thinking that someone from another country can’t be president. Well… looks at current situation in White House At least this one would be elected.
Personally, I’m hoping Zelensky will run for US president after strong Dien in Ukraine. You might be thinking that someone from another country can’t be president. Well… looks at current situation in White House At least this one would be elected.
American here. Fuck the people who voted for Trump, didn’t vote at all, and anyone involved in the huge spike of voter suppression. We were sold out through misinformation and inference.
Unfair Fairy!
Also fuck Putin and fuck Trump. I’m an American, and I look forward to taking a shit on Trump’s grave.
Thank you for this. It’s so easy to feel hopeless in the face of everything that’s happening, which is exactly what they want.
Hang the first three and those who follow may take note.
The day Trump actually tempers a decision based on the feedback the world gives him, I’ll eat my hat. He doesn’t give a shit about this kind of criticism. He’s right. Everyone else is wrong. One of the few genuine stable geniuses in this world.
We may as well be. He’s fucking us all.
I highly doubt Donald would let anyone hold his fries.
I’m hard pressed to find one proposed member of the incomming administration who is NOT a useful idiot. Putin must be as giddy as an 8 year old kid about to be given a huge bag of candy.
I dunno… Maybe if 99% of our news outlets weren’t consolidated in the hands of a few billionaires…
Are any of those 75 Nobel Laureates Donald J. Trump? In not, then… No. Not in the slightest.
If only we had a system in place that required vetting to verify the person was qualified and maybe… just maybe… not a fucking traitor. Guess I’m just too wildly idealistic.
Three years from now, well into his current term, his voters will STILL be slapping Biden “I did this!” stickers on gas pumps to protest high gas prices.
In all proposed states or just one of the proposed states?
Hairnet??? And cover that glorious hairstyle that inspires all to be their best selves ??? Gloves??? And cover those giant masculine man hands that inspires all to be the work they want to see in the world??? Blasphemy!!!
Again? Wake me when he’s held accountable.
People who are not part of the wealthy elite stealing profits is illegal. Doesn’t matter what the method was.
So long as they have corporate donors and insider trading, they will never be the workers’ party.