From Texas. They’re not going to attract the best and brightest down there.
From Texas. They’re not going to attract the best and brightest down there.
Also as their Lord and Savior Elon Musk imports cheap H1B labor in from all over to undercut American employees, lol
Yeah, I’m discouraged to even buy American because Trump and the Republicans have basically turned that into a nationalist policy. I used to love buying American and local, but it feels gross to think that I’m supporting their agenda.
I personally want Musk’s space program to fail because scientific advances and achievements need to belong to the people, not some corporate asshole. Publically funded science is the only way to go. Also, NASA seemed to have mastered the rocket back in the 60s–SpaceX can’t even do that.
I’m all for letting people murder themselves in the dumbest and most pointless ways imaginable if they want to, but why do they have to choose methods that might take me out with 'em?
Mmhmm, do you know what’s not lost on me? All the Trump supporters that stormed the capital, in much the same way that people around here seem to be hinting at. I don’t think they really accomplished much behind bars for the last four years. But let’s ignore all that and throw some more jabs in my direction. I’ll be here voting and figuring out what else I can do while the people here criticizing me either do nothing, or lose their right to vote after a prison sentence.
Sir, we are posting on a Lemmy thread. There is no front line here.
Sick of all the complaining. Why don’t you share some actionable advice instead venting about how I’m not doing enough to make yourself feel superior?
I’m seeing a lot of criticism and no actionable advice whatsoever, from anybody who has responded to me. Maybe your contribution should be to educate people instead of telling them their actions aren’t good enough? Either do that or shut up, because you’re not contributing to the conversation.
Yeah, because voting and refusing to support republican business is “apathy”. Good luck convincing anyone other than your own echo chamber to do more than that.
Shit, I did more than a third of Americans that didn’t even vote. Suck it. Better yet, I didn’t vote to actively destroy my nation like the Republicans did.
Good luck convincing any of those two-thirds to join your side by pedaling life-destroying rhetoric.
Please do whatever you want. I’ll continue to work my own methods.
Stop trying to be so edgy, asshole. I didn’t ask for this, and basically nobody else on Lemmy did either simply based on user demographics. Even younger-middle-aged people have only been eligible to vote in a handful of presidential elections, and we’re fighting decades of gerrymandering, bribery, greed, and billions of dollars in corporate money propaganda campaigns. Basically all there is for me to do is vote at the polls and put my money where my mouth is, which I’m already doing. I’m not going to go out and riot and be sent to jail so I can lose everything because Walmart thought Trump would yield another half a percent to their stock prices.
When something comes up that I can do, I’ll join in, but I’m not going to have randos berate me for BS I never asked for.
“Canada is holding the egg cards! You’ve never once thanked Canada for our eggs!”
Walked into the store to buy a drink just now. Realized today was the boycott as I walked up to the counter to check out, so I simply lut it back and left. I didn’t even need it anyways
If this were the 1930s, Musk would be blaming Poland for not submitting to the Nazis in the same way.
Never let the bully win
I’m sure the doctors will be forced to put them on the list. No doctor visits for women until they decide whether the pregnancy is going to kill them or not, because they’ll be fuckd the second the State finds out.
Hopefully you no longer consider yourself a “conservative” because that party left you behind over a decade ago.
Yeah, Costco is great. One of the few places I don’t feel bad shopping at here in a red state.
Gonna laugh when Trump does india next