Big corp facts.
Big corp facts.
Mullvad, (the vpn, I have not tried the browser) uses a single account number as both name and password, no emails. It allows for multiple anonymous payment methods and it’s open source.
Sliiiiightly more trustworthy than Google imo.
As a (currently) CachyOS user, I would like to point out that their custom mirrors don’t always reflect the newest version of packages, too. So if your package has a bug you may have to wait an extra day or two for it to reflect the fixed version after it drops. That or manually install the git.
Just make love with Timeshift and for the love of god don’t use topgrade if you don’t know what you’re doing. Thankfully, because of rule number one, Timeshift told me the topgrade nightmare was over and tucked me back into bed with a glass of warm milk and a bedtime story.
Thankfully compiling on Windows was as easy as searching for a guide online. When I switched to CachyOS there was also a package in the AUR that seems well maintained.
I like that LibreSprite exists though. I wonder if it can use Aseprite’s extensions. I might have to check it out just to see.
Once my financial situation is settled I do want to pay. Aseprite is an amazing tool and the devs deserve my money at this point. They don’t ask much and still keep it available to compile for free. That’s real marketing, imo.
We’re that one cousin no one talks about.
Gives a whole new meaning to “hide yo kids”.
I also vape 0 nicotine, but I’m trying to wind down flavor too. Back in the early days of vaping, it was more often than not the flavoring that was causing a lot of health problems. I remember specifically that some cinnamon, grape, and butter flavors would cause popcorn lung. They’ve since been removed, but pretty scary nonetheless. I still avoid those flavors as a rule of thumb.
If I do have to order flavoring, I go through a site that provides all the MSDS chemical documentation for each flavor. Even then, these “safe” flavors still have skin irritation warnings. Not to mention if you sweeten your juices or buy sweet juices, its more than likely using sucralose, which in high intakes can also promote cancer. I’ve dived pretty deep into this because I’ve been making my own ejuice for nearly 8 years. Hell, I still have 5 gallons of 100mg nicotine I’m not using in my freezer (bought just before it was illegal to sell nicotine online).
The tube is interesting though, because this same site sells purely natural flavorings. Could be a nice alternative for vaping addicts. I still avoid disposables like the plague. I’ve tried one and the amount of flavoring and sucralose you need to achieve that flavor is more unhealthy than the extremely high nicotine. If they make someone who’s been vaping for 11 years sick to the stomach, you can bet they are the worst you can get for vapes.
Have an upvote instead.
I ran DVI for quite a while until my friend’s BenQ was weirdly green over HDMI and no amount of monitor menu would fix it. So we traded cords and I never went back to DVI. I ran DisplayPort for a while when I got my 2080ti, but for some reason the proprietary Nvidia drivers (I think around v540) on Linux would cause weird diagonal lines across my monitor while on certain colors/windows.
However, the previous version drivers didn’t do this, so I downgraded the driver on Pop!_OS which was easy because it keeps both the newest and previous drivers on hand. I distrohopped to a distro that didn’t have an easy way to rollback drivers, so my friend suggested HDMI and it worked.
I do miss my HDMI to DVI though. I was weirdly attached to that cord, but it’d probably just sit in my big box of computer parts that I may need… someday. I still have my 10+ VGA cords though!
I get it, but the community is called Funny, not VapingIsGreatForYou. It sorta changes the context of the original comment drastically. Not to mention Vapenation was an old meme that essentially made fun of vapers. I understand you’re trying to help people, but this might be the wrong place for that.
My favorite part of this is that no one really asked you to come out and start judging other people’s vices.
I wasn’t able to get this article, unfortunately. I really tried. But you can get many free articles by this author that cover this topic here: https://muckrack.com/ashoka-mody/articles
And they’re more up to date. I’ve never really used this site tbh, but the links forward you to articles that don’t have paywalls, from the few I’ve tested.
This is less of a Linux problem and more of a kernel access problem. Microsoft hinted at shutting down kernel access, but I’ve learned not to hold my breath about anything Microsoft says. Personally, I made the sacrifice. I have plenty of other games I like to play that don’t have kernel-level anticheat.
Well. I mean. Both release dopamine for me anyway.
Why did I start reading this to the tune of YMCA?
This is exactly what I was looking for. The more I read it, the angrier I get. The fact that something as simple as a text document format can be force standardized, monopolized, and overcharged for is ludicrous. All because of a proprietary extension loophole.
Thank you for the info.
I flip flop. Sometimes I just space, sitting there and perfectly content with doing, well, nothing. When I tried SSRIs/SNRIs this got way worse. I’d lay in bed, not even getting up for the day, and stare at the ceiling. Perfectly happy with nothing. Not really depressed, not really anxious, just nothing. Escitalopram was the worst at doing this. I had to stop because between this, the anorgasmia, constant RLS all the way up to my arms, and sleeping 4 hours and feeling wide awake/manic- it was a nightmare. However, my niece made it through the two-week side effects and loves it, so it varies.
Not counting medicine, I do understand what you’re going through to some extent. My dad had a seizure when I was a kid and I was right there for it. It was terrifying. I was scared. But my brain just kicked off and I went completely calm. I pretty much directed the whole situation without emotion as adults twice my age completely panicked. I was thirteen. On really bad days, I feel like there’s nothing outside my window. That everyone else isn’t real and that I’m the only existence, just sitting in a box. I go full panic mode. Other times I’m just way too hyper. I talk way too much and even though I don’t do anything wrong, I feel like I was annoying and hate myself for days.
The only non-medicinal suggestion I can give you is to try getting some fidget toys. Little boxes with buttons and joysticks, stuff like that. Sometimes it can kick your brain back on simply by focusing on them. I have a clicker and a Jigglypuff stress squeezer, myself. I really hope you can find something that works for you and don’t stop looking until you do find it.
Definitely bookmarking this reply. I haven’t tried ComfyUI yet, but I’ve had it starred on Github from back when it was fairly new. I’m no stranger to building from source, but I have not dived into Docker yet, which is becoming more and more of a weakness by the day. Docker is sometimes required by some really cool projects and I’m missing out.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)