Liberals know as much about communism, and workers rights as Republicans. None
Liberals know as much about communism, and workers rights as Republicans. None
I didn’t start an argument, I pointed out fact. But liberal hubris like yours is what has contributed to our current situation.
Because Neolibs are actual fascists.
Let the party burn to the ground
Arguing with liberals is exhausting, no different than their Republican counterparts.
No one that’s perceived as a threat to the current system will never be allowed any form of power within the system. Voting within the system rules is a setup for failure.
Keep the marginalized out of your mouth, liberals only care about them to whiteknight and use them as political pawns so they can stay in power. If Democrats actually cared like they claim they wouldn’t be marginalized.
Failure of voters holding them accountable is what turned the party from Jimmy Carter to Bill Clinton to barely left of Trump. Voters allowed them to do whatever they wanted with no consequence so, like a dog that gets a treat after pissing on the floor, they kept pissing on the floor. Now you are buried in 50 years of piss and shit.
Anyone voting for, or advocating a vote for Democrats is not the left. You are enablers of right wing fascism.
The entire party needs to go. Let it burn and be replaced by a workers party that represents us.
I thought the overall consensus was that she didn’t need a policy and voters were somehow okay with that.
They lost didn’t they? That sounds like a win. They can either start complying with the demands of those holding them accountable or continue to lose. It’s liberals that allowed them to do whatever they wanted to for 50 years with no repercussions is why things have gotten so bad
They didn’t need more in person events, we heard all we had to hear and made a decision.
Everyone blamed Harris for not charting her own course, for declaring she wouldn’t have changed a thing that happened under Biden. The DNC assumed people would support a black female version of Biden that mirrored everything we hated about him, all while shifting further to the right. This is what holding politicians accountable looks like.
What we have is 2 corporate owned parties that will do everything in their power to keep things the same. There is no reforming a corrupt system
He and Harris were too Republican
I’m not going to engage in conversation with someone that just started paying attention to Ukraine two years ago.
I don’t care about downvotes, I’m not a coward that chases bandwagons for clout
The biggest issue with that is that the Tea Party was an astroturf movement backed by Koch brothers. We already have enough big money in politics. And it would be more beneficial for everyone if the DNC simply dropped off the face of the earth and was replaced by a workers party.
Until they get rid of capitalism, there will always be poverty.
Due largely in part by the party that he keeps aligning with. Capitalism is a cancer that needs to be cut out.
No, because we don’t regret our decisions. But we are making our decisions, not decisions that have made been made for you the way the DNC manufacturers your choices