I can start a bit: workers.org is affiliated with the Workers World Party
And for the suggested German ones: “junge Welt” is ranging from far left social democracy to classic ML.
demvolkedienen.org seems to be some kind of Maoist (no surprise with that name)
Indymedia is open to everyone so every part of leftism is represented
taz is social democratic/left liberalism
neues Deutschland is left wing social democrats
I’d argue that it is fine to include the social democratic sites. If you’re aware of their position you can still get the necessary information out of their articles and they usually have a higher budget than far left ones.
Also I can recommend to read a serious bourgeois newspaper (not pure propaganda rags like the Sun) to every comrade. The bourgeoisie isn’t stupid so they have papers that tell the truth on many things. Their analysis and “solutions” are obviously different but the information is still valuable. Also it’s good to know how the bourgeoisie judges the situation. Know your enemy.
Yeah, there’s definitely a shift towards more reactionaries now on Reddit. People saying the French Revolution was bad and monarchist comments in the soccer sub.