“It’s not me it’s someone I know” reads like “it’s a cylinder” 😅
“It’s not me it’s someone I know” reads like “it’s a cylinder” 😅
No, it’s you who didn’t get what’s the scandal about. The problem is not (I mean that also is a problem, but that exists regardless of what happened during that meeting) the political context.
It is that the bar, again, for what is doable was lowered. A literal state president was bullied in front of a nation, even the world. It was a provocation and a display of the new tone between potential allies.
And that’s indeed concerning regardless of the (also concerning) “trade” offer.
That’s the thing people don’t understand about ricing. It’s not about features, not even about functionality. It’s about aesthetics. Visually, but also how components interact and UX in general. It’s like making art. It’s emotional.
Maybe comparable to fancy mechanical keyboards. Am I more productive with mine? No, I could have grabbed any decent keyboard and it would have been the same. However, I like how mine looks, sounds, feels. It makes me happy. It is art I have created.
And that’s why customize your system. Not because it’s more efficient etc. Because it makes me feel goos like listening to music.
Ahem, there is no “as a service”. You provide a recipe and it gets “cleared” for you. No login required at all.
The other stuff is just additional features. But removing any clutter from any recipe is a easy as pasting an URL.
From this: https://www.zuckerjagdwurst.com/de/rezepte/karamellisierte-lauch-pasta
To this: https://cooked.wiki/new/recent/12cdd9b0-ee17-4735-aa62-dd630bd699f6
Again, not even an account required. In fact you can just prefix any url with “https://cooked.wiki/” and it will work.
The tiny difference is that this person does not create impactful articles as a news outlet. 😅
But that’s what you are saying. You either admit that this is a horrible idea, or you are confident that your AI never makes a mistake. It’s black and white, really.
Especially considering that this prestige is only of value if you further engage in that toxic network and culture.
Maybe https://duck.ai/? Worth a try.
Just a heads up: they are not me 😅
Yeah sorry, I was thinking in terms of “sport”.
This system is great and should be applied everywhere. And by everywhere I mean European football (soccer).
Okay hear me out. I give this one single try. If you do not take your time to think about this and double down on your ignorance I will not further engage.
A little girl has been bullied to a point where she saw no other option than ending her own life. This is huge. It’s one of our must fundamental instincts.
She was murdered. By her bullies, by the system, by everyone who enabled this to happen. She was murdered.
Questioning whether she was fully aware of the consequences shifts the blame from the offenders to her. You imply an overreaction. You imply that the griev, drama, and negative emotions are in no relation to what she has been through. You question whether she has reached out for help enough. You question whether she tried.
Rest assured: she did. https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/341671/9789290228578-eng.pdf?sequence=1
Krunner on Meta And a lot of alt + tab
That’s pretty much it 😅
Yeah, let’s blame her.
Some just aren’t into anal.