Looks like the house of a person who could’ve never been a varsity athlete. Small hands
You shouldn’t smoke though. It’s not good for you
Who fucking cares
I dont want either. Communists always act like they have the high ground but they are just infantile economic idealists with no real plan of action, while ignoring past communist systems or proclaiming “no, that wasn’t true communism”.
Basically xd
I totally heard my buddies talking about UFOs. They saw them, trust me bro. I cant show you any evidence though, just trust me bro. It is such an obvious attention grab by a man who’s brain has suffered from PTSD
Dont twist my words buddy. I said he was being targeted more than any other SC judge
Ill put it like this: do you see any of the white judges facing the same extent of backlash? I am not saying that personal relationships between him and his benefactors is a not problem, it’s just that the one black judge is being dog piled, which seems to be racially motivated
I am fine with service animals and well behaved animals. At my company they had a trial run with “work buddies”. It resulted in people bringing in their untrained mutts that would fight among each other, shitting on the floor and generally making a mess of the office. One dog tried to jump on me during a meeting and I shoved it aside, the owner came over and was all pissy that I wasn’t more friendly to his dog. That policy did not last long
I am a interaction artist at my company. Still a new field of PR that we are experimenting with. I work for one of the major hydrocarbon companies
Yo, I smoked so many of those when I was younger amd I am certified mentally handicapped. Take from that what you will
Problem is that it is aimed at socially awkward and inept individuals who do not like to engage with one another. I try to start conversations but the only reactions I get are from pissy communists
Hello, I am a communist
I agree with this. I have found that most women do not however. It has been a great trouble for me, to talk about, when trying to find a new partner.