Any good places where one could stream this?
Any good places where one could stream this?
but they have a different goal: they want drivers to feel like they’re making progress instead of actually improving things.
Sorry but I want a source for that claim.
Okay, how then would you generalize this trait? We would expect an intelligent species to be social to some degree? It’s hard to imagine how a species could evolve the capacity to achieve technological advances without cooperation between individuals.
A beak falls under “some kind of appendage”
Yeah… no, I don’t think that can evolve naturally
I understand the sentiment, but there must be some number of common attributes all advanced intelligent species across the universe have. Tool use, for example, would require that the organism have some kind of appendage that can manipulate things.
Why does it often seem like only China is using modern tech to make real quality of life improvements? It’s the opposite of the US. Seems like that same modern tech is making everything a bit worse day after day.
I think you’re putting too much weight on established precedent. The precedent you’re citing were attacks made by non-state actors, and fighting back was easy since they didn’t have air superiority. Precedent is going out the window if a more serious threat attacks a member state.
I never said Ukraine would collapse, but they’re not winning for the reasons I already mentioned
First, Rubio is parroting a wildly accepted fact. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/articles/2024/05/16/7455980/
They’ve run out of youthful soliders and are drafting older men now.
Second, I’d imagine the pace of losses would accelerate once Ukraine started drafting the elderly and children, but it won’t come to that. Also a lot of Ukrainians have already left to dodge the draft.
Lastly, why are we even piddling about troop numbers? They seem insignificant given the larger problems Ukraine is facing. Let’s circle back to my original points.
The main, possibly only, glimmer of hope in the article was “assets in and outside Russia had strong evidence that Russian arms production during 2025 has flatlined and is likely to contract, because of parts and labor shortages,” and Russia is drafting 100,000 fewer men than last year. That seems well short of “starting to win,” unfortunately. Ukraine also appears to be losing 1/3 of their military support if what Zelensky said in the article is true.
Russia is fighting a war of choice but is continuing on with callous disregard for it’s own troops. Their arms production is slowing down but so are their drafting efforts. North Korea is providing artillary shells and rockets. Ukraine is losing 1/3 of its military support and its army is aging. Unless they figure out how to fight in a new way that restores their ability to maneuver, then all they can hope for is a negotiated settlement.
Here I have a source too, one that’s a bit more specific: https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-army-war-attrition/
Relevant quote:
"The problem that Ukraine is facing is not that they are running out of money, [it] is that they are running out of Ukrainians,” U.S. `Secretary of State Marco Rubio said during his confirmation hearing.
My opinion: They’re not going to win. Also it’s disingenuous to say they’ve been holding back a Russian invasion for 11 years.
Defend their front from what? How is Ukraine’s army doing?
The main, possibly only, glimmer of hope in the article was “assets in and outside Russia had strong evidence that Russian arms production during 2025 has flatlined and is likely to contract, because of parts and labor shortages,” and Russia is drafting 100,000 fewer men than last year. That seems well short of “starting to win,” unfortunately. Ukraine also appears to be losing 1/3 of their military support if what Zelensky said in the article is true. Did I miss something?
I thought stuff like this was cool when I was a kid, and I suppose it is when the technical achievement is only considered. But I’m now I’m left wondering why we would ever want anything like this? It’s meant to replace a person.
Hey they have three more wishes, give them a second
I don’t think you’re wrong, I don’t think you’re quite right either. I do like what you’re getting at. Bernie, relatively speaking, is way better than the other candidates we can currently choose from. That’s what I’m getting at, you’re attacking someone on a single issue and ignoring everything else they say and do. Hardly anybody will listen to you. They’re writing you off as a weird, single issue voter. Don’t you think your issues would have a better shot of being addressed if there were more people like Bernie in congress? Seems like abstaining instead of choosing the lesser evil also isn’t working.
Just some life advice. I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish with your comment, but a fairly awful person once said: however beautiful your strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.
Really, there’s nothing wrong with being an idealist but at some point you need to work with what you have.
Well it was more like a greenhouse in function. It became quite hot after the sun came out.
My dad put their cage in our sunroom during the night because they were making too much noise. Eventually the sun came out.
What a dumb story, there’s nothing of interest on the calendar.
That’s it.