Horrible idea. Putting even more weapons out there is dumb and also who would even give these weapons to them? That would be a black market without any rules and regulations if I’ve ever seen one.
Give immigrants weapons lmao. Sure.
Horrible idea. Putting even more weapons out there is dumb and also who would even give these weapons to them? That would be a black market without any rules and regulations if I’ve ever seen one.
Give immigrants weapons lmao. Sure.
I never said it didn’t happen in the USA? Not everyone lives there lol. Some people live in Europe where this doesn’t happen.
But it’s most blatantly used in china.
I agree with you but for different reasons. The rockets can be considered as pollution. But they have a purpose.
We should focus on how we abandoned nuclear energy and instead still use coal and even expand our coal mines. That is far worse in my opinion. We are literally coloured black on pollution maps, together with Poland. Meanwhile, France, the undisputed nuclear endorser in Europe, is the exact opposite.
Our „Atomkraft, nein danke!“ attitude stinks.
I‘m also in Germany so I know. But still things are moving and it’s a good thing. How effective that will be? That’s another story. We can’t predict the future. But I’m tired of our stagnation so at this point, I see things happening and I’m happy. Better than doing nothing at all, isn’t it?
But I agree that the welfare state stuff is getting annoying. I will probably get hate for saying this, but I think that parents already get more than enough free money just for having children. To the point where some only have children to collect said money and spend it on themselves (cigarettes, alcohol, etc.) and neglecting their kids.
Not all of course. But certainly some.
Looks so nice tbh. Aldis in Germany (not Aldi Süd, I have Aldi Nord which is different and separate) are ugly as hell lol. I hate shopping at Aldi in Germany.
And somehow they have money for that. But a single person has to pay like 20€ a month for AI apps. Makes perfect sense.
Now these are reasons. I agree. Participating in reality TV trash like Dschungelcamp is a cry for attention.
Tax evasion and getting arrested isn’t.
I think we are on the same page tho. Let’s not get pedantic about the wording. :) You’re right tho. It’s not like Europe hasn’t been doing anything EVER. But it certainly hasn’t during my lifetime. So that’s my reference.
Yeah, it’s a serious issue. Our normal parties need to address urgent issues in order to get the protest voters back from the AfD. I’m convinced that 20% of our population are not nazis. They’re just stupid and angry because they don’t feel heard.
Sure there are Nazis. But it’s not 20%. I hope.
You’re certainly not wrong. I could’ve made it clear that I meant people who constantly use these instead of occasionally.
There are people out there who order their food multiple times a week and it’s a problem in my book.
Being poor really makes this particular boycott a non-issue. Sure, I’ll continue to never buy any of this overpriced crap! Thank me later.
Just like I still boycott Tesla. Going strong since the 1990‘s.
Lazy people: „Not possible. I need these services because otherwise I would starve!“
Same with Amazon etc.
I think it finally has. For the first time ever, I feel like Europe is actually doing something. It’s awesome.
I wouldn’t call tax evasion and getting locked up as seeking relevancy but you do you.
They also won’t do anything to combat this. So yes. Very deserved. Fuck the Libs btw. It’s probably their fault. /s
I am so excited. It feels like my country is finally moving and doing something. After being dormant for decades. Yay!
I was making a joke about „sued“ as in verklagt. But I failed so fml.
Yeah and maybe it leads to more intimate stuff. 🫦
Idk. That at least has some mild benefits for the countries. In the form of investions and infrastructure.
Cutting cables is just an act of war if you ask me.
At this point they will probably collect it and threaten other nations with it. Give us eggs or we will dump it on your shores.