Oh yes, the only two political alignments: liberal and right-wing :D Thanks for letting me know you’re a yank.
Schlagt die Hunde tot, die euch in diesen Krieg gehetzt
Oh yes, the only two political alignments: liberal and right-wing :D Thanks for letting me know you’re a yank.
I would save this comment and get back to you when the offensive has crumbled, but something tells me you and all the other Reddit libs currently swarming this website will have long crawled back to daddy Reddit by then ;)
Doesn’t change the fact the the suMmEr OfFensIVe is going horribly lol
Real life is not like the movies
Most of these “Reddit refugees” will go back whence they came once they start missing having corporate propaganda shoved down their throats 24/7 I would assume.
Which makes the whole “spirit of starting something new” over there very funny - because you know they’ll just crawl back to Reddit at some point anyways. Libs don’t have a very long attention span
There is no realistic hope that the west will do anything more than pay lip service and run greenwash initiatives
And blame China for their own misdoings!
So you would call waging a proxy war and supplying weapons in order to keep alive a conflict that will cost thousands of Ukranian lifes “help”?
Just out of curiosity: when you say "plaster stickers all over their lifts, does that mean that they own their own elevators? :D
I got a new game for my PS5 and I’m really enjoying it
Can you talk about what it was about?
Good luck, comrade!
Do I smell some overstimulated norepinephrine/dopamine receptors? :D
Not to dismiss everything you wrote of course, this format of post just seems all to familiar :)
I’m not sure I follow. Are you saying that someone will use whatever you write down against you in the future?
You forgot the final step: have your movement destroyed and/or silenced if it inconveniences the ruling class in the slightest. As history has shown us time and time again.
You’re free to vote for change within a social democratic framework (which makes very little difference anyways), but you can’t change that framework.
If we in the west want a different approach, how would voting express that? It’s impossible to change our neoliberal and social democratic system via voting.
Braindead yankees in the Twitter comments thinking arresting the orange man is going to magically fix the US and make it the best place on the planet lol
Linus Torvalds also is an unhinged edgelord who thinks he’s the best guy ever.
He did make a dope kernel though.
There is literally a one hour interview in the article lol
Did you miss it?
Ah yes, the home of free speech!
I wouldn’t call the Taz leftist. They’re pretty liberal, and under the delusion of being leftist - kind of like most of the German left lol.
ND is kind if debatable too, I’d say. Especially from an ML point of view.
There’s also Unsere Zeit, which is the DKP’s newspaper. It’s usually pretty based. My absolute favourites are definitely Junge Welt and Kommunistische Arbeiterzeitung.