Sadmy, this is going to disappear… Its always the same with good things
Sadmy, this is going to disappear… Its always the same with good things
I didn’t noticed
Odysee uses the blockchain, yeah, thats why it is descentralized. But you don’t have to spend any money in it, unless you want to support a channel.
I don’t understand the hate to Cryptos :| I don’t see that people hate that their FIAT money is worth less every day because they print money without limit.
Sometimes I use instantgaming. Is that a bad thing? It always works perfectly.
https://odysee.com/ is a descentralized option too.
It has sponsorblock too https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sponsorblock-for-odysee/gdmldddlfnlmipdpobiaibalcbjjpmib
and this extensions help a lot too https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/watch-on-odysee/kofmhmemalhemmpkfjhjfkkhifonoann