• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023


  • Is it external? Then try disconnecting it.

    Looks like this could be a BIOS problem. Does it actually attempt to boot from the Mint USB?

    If not, then you will need to enter the BIOS setup screen and change the boot device order. Put “USB HDD” at the top, “internal HDD” and “CD drive” in the middle, and anything else at the bottom.

    This might get rid of the “boot from URL” you’re seeing, by demoting “PXE network boot” from the boot order.

  • Another recommendation: Peppermint Linux, a lightweight Debian-based distro with XFCE as the desktop. Designed for older computers, and has a 32-bit version. Not to be confused with Linux Mint.

    Safety info: Do not use Damn Small Linux, it is unmaintained and will not receive any security fixes.

    About Debian, OpenSUSE not taken into consideration: Linux under-the-hood (not the desktop components) are fast even on old hardware. If you use a light DE/WM like XFCE or IceWM it will run quite smoothly. I have installed Debian on an old computer (2GB RAM, single core Celeron CPU, spinning HDD) and I have not noticed any significant slowdowns.

    About Windows 7: I know it’s absolutely unusable, I just don’t want to see it destroyed. Like a rusted-out undriveable classic car that I don’t want to see in a junkyard. Maybe copy the HDD image or something?

  • Maybe the Windows partition is getting automounted. If so, there’s nothing to fear. And if you installed Ventoy yourself, there’s even less to fear.

    However, if you suspect something untoward is going on, run a virus scan. Use Defender on Windows, and ClamAV on Linux.

    ClamAV is unintuitive, so I wrote a helper script called Mussel. Read it, copy-paste it, put it in your PATH.

    Mussel script
    getpath1() {
        echo $PATH'/*' | sed 's/:/\/\* /g'
        # print the path, with a /* on the end;
        # then substitute every : with a /*[space]
    getpath2() {
        echo $PATH | sed 's/:/ /g'
        # print the path only;
        # then substitute every : with a [space]
    scanselect() {
    	echo "How do you want to scan?
    Select from 'path-scan', 'home-scan', 'full-scan', 'total-scan', or 'custom-scan'"
    path-scan() {
    	sudo clamscan --bell -r --move=/.quarantine `getpath2`
    home-scan() {
    	sudo clamscan --bell -r --move=/.quarantine /home/`whoami`
    full-scan() {
    	sudo clamscan --bell -r --move=/.quarantine --exclude-dir='/dev'  --exclude-dir='/sys'  --exclude-dir='/proc'  --exclude-dir='/.quarantine'  --exclude-dir='/.snapshots'  /
    total-scan() {
    	sudo clamscan --bell -r --move=/.quarantine /
    custom-scan() {
    	printf "Select target files or directories to scan: "
    	read TARGET
    	if [ -d $TARGET ]; then
    		sudo clamscan --bell -r --move=/.quarantine $TARGET
    		sudo clamscan --bell --move=/.quarantine $TARGET
    qview() {
    	echo 'These are the files in quarantine:'
    	#sudo ls -hal /.quarantine
    	#echo `sudo ls /.quarantine | wc -w`" entries in quarantine."
    	sudo tree /.quarantine
    qempty() {
    	echo "Do you want to delete them all? (y/N)"
    	read ANSWER
    	if [ $ANSWER = 'y' ]; then
    		sudo rm -rf /.quarantine
    		echo 'All quarantine files deleted.
    Returning to mussel interface.'
    		sudo mkdir /.quarantine
    		echo "Returning to mussel interface."
    show-help() {
    	echo "List of commands:
    	scan: Does not scan anything, just prints a list of commands for scanning.
    	path-scan: Scans all files in the path. ($PATH)
    	home-scan: Scans all files in your home directory. (/home/`whoami`)
    	full-scan: Scans all files on the system (/), except for virtual filesystems and quarantine
    	total-scan: Scans /all/ files on the system (/), nothing is excluded
    	custom-scan: Scan a specific file or directory
    	update: Update the threat database
    	quarantine-view: List files in quarantine
    	qview: Same as quarantine-view
    	quarantine-empty: Delete all files in quarantine
    	qempty: Same as quarantine-empty
    	help: Print this list
    	?: Same as help
    	exit: Exit Mussel, return to the shell"
    if ! [ -e /.quarantine ]; then
    	sudo mkdir /.quarantine
    	echo "Quarantine directory did not exist, just created it now"
    echo "This is Mussel, an interactive command-line frontend to ClamAV.
    Type 'help' or '?' for a list of commands."
    while (true); do
    	printf '] '
    	read COMMAND
    	if [ $COMMAND = 'scan' ] ; then
    	elif [ $COMMAND = 'full-scan' ]; then
    	elif [ $COMMAND = 'path-scan' ]; then
    	elif [ $COMMAND = 'home-scan' ]; then
    	elif [ $COMMAND = 'custom-scan' ]; then
    	elif [ $COMMAND = 'total-scan' ]; then
        elif [ $COMMAND = 'quarantine-view' ] || [ $COMMAND = 'qview' ]; then
        elif [ $COMMAND = 'quarantine-empty' ] || [ $COMMAND = 'qempty' ]; then
    	elif [ $COMMAND = 'update' ]; then
    		sudo freshclam
    	elif [ $COMMAND = 'help' ] || [ $COMMAND = '?' ]; then
    	elif [ $COMMAND = 'exit' ]; then
    		echo 'This command does not exist'

  • The distro itself doesn’t matter that much for performance. Pick whatever you want, and use XFCE or IceWM for the desktop (or even go CLI only).

    I recommend Debian or OpenSUSE for an easy install, and Arch, Artix, or Void if you’re more experienced.

    PS: Windows 7 is one of the best versions of Windows and it’s not distributed anymore, that’s a piece of history! Don’t overwrite it, even if it does suck.