“He wasn’t there for the fundraising parts, he was just there to promote his own stuff. And put his face on our conferences. And be directly available to our supporters. But it’s ridiculous to think he did anything actually partisan.” -Koch spokesperson
Thank you for sharing. Identity issues are no joke, I’m having to unpack a larger amount of gender baggage than the average person (think decades-worth of AGAB plus another decade or two of a career stereotypical to and gate-kept by the other gender). I’m glad I’m not alone in being a little lost on the identity journey, even if yours has nothing to do with gender.
I prefer spring and autumn now I’ve moved somewhere warmer than I grew up. Especially since autumn means some sunshine and leaves turning color. I finally understand the hype!
This is the military in a nutshell. It ostensibly needs to protect the nation, but civilian industries exist as a result, whose executives have generals in their pockets. If the industry no longer serves the needs of the military, then the military should stop using it; but that doesn’t reduce the plight of a worker who would become unemployed as a result. Who suffers from this tension? Every taxpayer who isn’t an executive or a general with a cushy retirement job, but especially workers and average servicemembers.
It took me a moment. In case anyone needs help, the response was “Why so sour?”
That is extremely wholesome. That animal demonstrated beyond all doubt that nothing can keep him if he doesn’t want to stay; and then he stayed with people he could take care of.
What happens if you personally, or your household, stop using harmful energy sources? Nothing.
What happens if you organize enough people to stop using those resources? Like an entire town? Well, look at Reddit: if it looks like a finite demonstration, then the companies can completely ignore it and all will return to normal. If it’s an indefinite boycott, the companies can put a choke hold on the demonstrators until they capitulate. Then all will return to normal.
If the movement is less a demonstration than a lifestyle change from necessity? For that, look at the working and spending habits of two generations, and the billionaire-owned media companies that talk about them. Someone will spin it until the little guy is the bad guy, no matter how ridiculous it is on its face.
No, the people in power want us to play by their rules because they know as long as we do, they will win. We can’t just take them out of power, we must remove that power from existence.
I appreciate it! I was gonna ask if this is real, and honestly, it’s close enough to make me happy! Haha. Of course we know Deadpool supports all LGBT rights, and all children.
What roller coaster ride.
First three: “Is this gonna be funny?”
Fourth: “Dacoity? What even is this? I can’t even tell from the picture!”
Next three: “Wat.”
Next three: “One of these things is not like the oth…”
Finishing off: “Wat.”
Yeah, I’m pretty sure they’re classified because we are responsible for whatever it is. At the very least, we are closely tracking whichever power is making it happen. I don’t think declassifying this stuff is a good idea.
Nothing is wrong with programming socks. But that will be a sure sign of women in the room.
Democrats argue that beating Trump and enacting progressive policies requires electing Democrats first.
They’re still arguing that? We’ve been waiting for the Dems to enact progressive policies for the past two years. It turns out that if you want progressive policies, you actually have to elect progressives.
Kitty is still in Genesis. Wait until he gets further.