Rafidhi [her/هي]

  • 25 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • An Extension of Nazism: How Did Zionism Collaborate With Hitler to Establish ‘Israel’?

    "Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of the relationship between Nazism and Zionism is the disconnect between Zionism and the Holocaust during World War II. Zionism was not interested in the massacres of Jews and rescuing them as much as it was in the facilitating the emigration of Jews to Palestine. And those Jews who did not emigrate to Palestine before the establishment of the “state” in 1948 were not a matter of concern for Zionism, whose conviction was limited to the fact that the solution to the Jewish question was solely related to the establishment of a state, and that anything else was irrelevant.

    This is confirmed by Egon Redlich in his diaries, Memoirs of a Zionist: The Terezin Diary of Gonda Redlich in which he confirms the sacrifice of tens of thousands of Jews who were eliminated and sent to their deaths through deals that Redlich himself felt ashamed of, in exchange for false promises. He wrote: “The Zionist movement in Czechoslovakia sent thousands of Jews to Nazi extermination camps in exchange for Nazi promises to send a few dozen or hundreds of Zionist leaders and financial figures to Palestine.”

    Abdul Wahab Al-Masiri, author of the eight-volume Encyclopedia of Jews, Judaism and Zionism, mentions that Adolf Eichmann succeeded in his mission thanks to the cooperation of the Hungarian Jew Rudolf Kastner, who convinced members of the Jewish community in Hungary that the Nazis would relocate them to new places where they would settle, or to vocational training camps for rehabilitation, and not to the concentration camps which were their true destination.

    In exchange for this, the Nazi authorities in 1941 allowed over 1,700 Jews from a concentration camp to be sent to Palestine, “Jews of the best biological material,” according to Eichmann."

  • They are trying to destroy Lebanon through different means than bombs. (articlein arabic)

    "26% of families residing on Lebanese territory do not send their school-age children to school, while 52% of displaced Syrian families reported that they have school-age children who do not attend school. …

    “The situation of children is not good,” according to the report, as mental illnesses associated with the crisis in the country have exhausted even those of school age, with 38% of families reporting that their children suffer from anxiety, and 24% from depression. But in the south, the figures become more serious, where the proportion of children suffering from anxiety reached 46%, and the proportion of those suffering from depression reached 29%. As for the level of Palestine refugee children, about half of them suffer from anxiety, and 30% from depression. … In a related context, the economic crisis has left deep scars on the material situation of families, and made them “on the edge of the abyss”. 84% of the households residing on the Lebanese territory borrow money to buy basic items from grocery stores and foodstuffs, 79% of which are from Lebanese households. The percentage of families sending their children to work has reached 16%, compared to 11% last April, while a third of families among displaced Syrians send their school-age children to work."


  • It is noteworthy that Yaha al Sinwar rescued Hamas from the minority faction that seized control of the movement in early 2010’s and betrayed Syria and Hezbollah during the “Arab Spring”

    Without him there probably would not be battlefield unity today.

    More details on that betrayal:

    "It is important to recognize that while the decision to leave Damascus was not by any means unanimously agreed upon within Hamas, as political bureau chief, it was ultimately Meshaal’s call.

    A Hamas source informed The Cradle that in September 2011, six months after the outbreak of the Syrian crisis, Meshaal received an invitation from the Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time, Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani, to visit Doha. Recall that Qatar was one of the first states to fund and arm the Islamist opposition in the brutal Syrian war.

    According to al-Thani’s estimates, the “Syrian revolution” was likely to end in the overthrow of the Assad government. He is reported to have advised Meshaal to abandon the sinking ship, so to speak, because if the rebellion is successful, “those who stayed with him [Assad] will drown, as happened with the late President Yasser Arafat, when Saddam Hussein was defeated in Gulf War,” the source described.

    In an attempt to win over Hamas from Iran’s patronage, al-Thani offered to financially support the movement and to provide a geographical space for operations in the Qatari capital and in Turkish territory.

    On his way back to Damascus, Meshaal made pit stops in a number of regional countries to inform Hamas’ leadership of the Qatari offer. Suffice it to say, the deal was rejected by the majority of members of the Political Bureau and the Al-Qassam Brigades.

    The Hamas source says: “The second man in Al-Qassam, Ahmad Al-Jabari, rejected the treachery against the Syrian leadership, along with Mahmoud al-Zahar, Ali Baraka, Imad al-Alami, Mustafa al-Ladawi, and Osama Hamdan."


  • Pretty good al-Mayadeen overview

    Who is Yahya al-Sinwar, the artist behind Operation Al-Aqsa Flood?

    "…In 1988, aged 25, al-Sinwar was arrested for the third time and sentenced to life in prison for foiling Israeli espionage and subversive measures in Gaza.

    Al-Sinwar’s 23-year sentence in Israeli prisons

    Forcefully separated from the praxis of the liberation movement, Yahya al-Sinwar spent the prime days of his adulthood in Israeli prisons.

    From Liberated Prisoner to Liberator of Prisoners

    In 2011, al-Sinwar was liberated with a batch of 1,027 others in a prisoner exchange deal between the Palestinian Resistance and the Israeli occupation.

    During his homecoming celebrations in Gaza City, al-Sinwar expressed his wishes that the Resistance would liberate all remaining prisoners in Israeli jails.

    After joining Hamas, he rose quickly within the ranks, replacing Ismail Haniyeh as the Political Chief of Gaza in 2017.

    Yahya al-Sinwar, one of the longest-serving Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons, today spearheads the revolutionary efforts to liberate his kinswomen and kinsmen."

  • It is a good time for reminder that the Revolutionary Islamic Republic of Iran has been consistently the most principled supporter of Palestinians and has always rejected normalization with the zionist entity and has always held the correct principled position that the United States is the source of all imperialist violence today and must be forcibly removed from hegemonic power.

    The Iranians have paid dearly for this correct and uncompromising position, including the millions who died as a consequence of Saddam Hussein’s aggression in the 1980’s. Saddam’s Baathist government was backed by both the USSR and the US in this endeavor to destroy the revolution remember. They have lost many lives due to crushing sanctions. And yet they have not wavered. Aid to the resistance in Palestine is part of their annual national budget and written into the constitution.

    Many many people from Talal Naji the Secretary General of PFLP-GC to Palestinian martyr Nizar Banat to Secretary General of Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq Seyyed Hashim al Haidari have emphasized this point that to be an enemy of Iran is to be an enemy of Palestine.

    Those rockets and UAV killing American occupiers in Iraq? Iran helped design and manufacture those.

    The drones striking the cancerous entity from Yemen? Iran helped design those and transferred manufacturing technologies.

    The tunnels in Gaza that the Resistance is using to deliver “new flavors of death” to the occupiers? Hajj Qassem Soleimani helped design those.

    The guns in the West Bank wielded by Palestinian heroes in defense of their homeland? Iran paid for those.

    The 100,000 precision missiles in Hezbollah arsenal that has the occupiers and the Americans shitting themselves in fear? You already know…

    Palestine is not alone, it has never been alone, and the only people saying that it is alone are irrelevant defeatists and anti-Iran and anti-Resistance.

  • The rest, especially the native pop, is tacitly “pro-Palestine with Zionist characteristics” (a.k.a. yeah it sucks but what are you going to do to the millions of Israelis that live there).

    The normalization propaganda is very strong. Outright endorsing the entity is not politically palatable in the Arab world so they do the tricky “2 state solution” kind of crap. Perhaps if you know who Azmi Bishara is but he is a major figure in the consoiracy.

    It is my understanding that the GCC nations are less afraid of “consequences” from “Israel”/US if they were to support Palestine and more afraid of the possibility of a liberated Palestine because it would pose an actual threat to their oppressively fascist regimes. Without Britain presence support the House of Saud would be nothing but a bad memory. The same is true today of America presence for the GCC especially Bahrain UAE Saudi