Yes, the stock market is … how to put it nicely … dysfunctional. But Cohen’s job is primarily to make Gamestop profitable, and he has been clear that he is going to keep his cards tight against his chest. Stock market reform is much too big of a job for one person who is busy running a business to take on, and to the degree that he is doing something about it, I’m glad that he’s keeping his promise of not telegraphing his moves to the competition - or to the cellar boxing parasites.
Until further notice, I will just continue to DRS and book my shares. Which for me has also slowed down significantly, because of other expenses that have slowed down my buying of more GME, and because I could only spend my savings once. (Wish I could naked spend, but that’s a privilege reserved for people who spend other people’s money, it seems.)
I’m still convinced that DRS is one of the most, if not the most, important spanner in the works of the financial criminals that are naked short GME.
Yeah, looks like she’s been hopping between roles for a couple of years.
Source: https://news.gamestop.com/management/diana-saadeh-jajeh-0