Scrubmissive and cleanable
Scrubmissive and cleanable
This is so baffling. Like, what benefit could this possibly achieve beyond “map bigger”? And in that case, why stop here? I know that dominion is the point and all, but why in God’s name would this be worth the resources? And is this suggesting we immediately make these conquered terrotories into states? My head hurts.
Trump reliquary. Also, fuck, this actually seems like a profitable and doable grift. Hmmmmmm…
Yeah, I’m certainly not trying to run cover for a colonial framing of history. It just seemed, from the question, that he lacked that context for the event.
According to the article, it looks like the context in which he killed the general was in an ambush during negotiations. I figure that that is why it was considerer a war crime.
This is so psychopathic. Why would anyone care about a system of laws which permits killing a child? Who in the world cares about the distinction between “legally killed child” and “murdered child”? Who could read that sentence and think anything other than “whatever laws they are referring to are utterly worthless”?
I was just going to say something along those lines, it feels very uncanny to me that the terminology goes unchallenged; the only thing it has in common with a dog is how it moves.
Accepting the word “dog” works to compare this to an actual living being, and hide the fact that it’s just a terrestrial drone. Seeing the article just accept it makes my skin crawl.
This isn’t even a lego thing. This is also the standard for naming things like power sockets and piping iirc.