Idk, but I’m sure that in at least 200 years genetical modifications will be accessible if everything goes fine.
Probably it will apply to skin tone and facial features and there could be a strange variety of new colors or
most people would pick whatever is considered ‘the best looking’ features in 300 years.
tbh the idea of having the choice of changing genetics sounds good, but it’s impossible to know what will
happen in 300 years.
At least that is what I think possible in the next 300 years.
America is a continent lol
I love Linux, I hate Windows, I installed Linux, but there was one thing proton could not hanlde, all my visual novels. I’ll completely switch to linux when it supports visual novels or Virtual Machines with a smooth performance (or when I finish reading all the visual novels) Damn, I’m trapped on Windows 10 until that day.
Last time my government said that “The solution is not force, its dialog and debate” was a year ago when trying to dialog with terrorists, it definitely did not end good…
I’m in favor of liberty of expression, but there are really some humans that are insane…
That’s why I like old offline games like Skyrim, the only updates I get are mods and when I want. Or I can just turn updates off.
Sorry, my bad
Tbh I hate the “reaction” videos, I dunno why people watches the reaction instead of the original one.
That’s not a biology book. Sex is a biology thing, Gender is a social concept.
I think it would be better to open it for just a few minutes to save all the useful posts and then save them on some cloud, most info is just text, it would be easy to store.
Thanks this was exactly what I needed