I dunno, I made an ipod clone app in Android for myself recently and it has both acceleration and a db progress indicator. These were not tough features to implement…
I dunno, I made an ipod clone app in Android for myself recently and it has both acceleration and a db progress indicator. These were not tough features to implement…
Are you saying the anus has ways of shutting it all down?
You might enjoy learning vanilla js and making a site with as few deps as you can get away with. Or a lightweight framework like svelte or preact. The browser stack is definitely some weird shit but it’s still somewhat approachable if you dig under the abstractions that most web devs never venture beyond. It definitely helped me cut through all the manufactured noise.
Good riddance, I say. Web dev is infested with layers upon layers of tools that attempt to abstract what is already fairly simple and straightforward to work with. We’re beyond the days of needing to build buttons out of small image fragments, and JS is (slowly) becoming more livable in its raw form. I welcome anything that keeps the toolchain as simple as possible.
Spineless tech tips
A few weeks ago I watched Ladyhawk on a 13" TV with a built in VHS player. I realized that my brain didn’t care about the quality as soon as I started paying attention to the content. I still like my 1080p but there’s definitely massively diminishing returns after that.
I was using my school’s website the other day and had a similar thought. I remember waiting a similar amount of time for many pages to load back in the dialup days. Why is it so slow to load a page that just shows some text and buttons??
I think what started me down the anti-React path was realizing that there were other frameworks out there that don’t even use a virtual dom. Plus you get tired of being told that the most obvious and intuitive way to do various things in React actually goes against some best practice that they’ve established.
As someone who works with typescript daily, you’re not wrong. It’s an extremely overcomplicated glorified linter that tries and mostly succeeds in catching basic type errors. But it also provides false confidence when you concoct something that shows no errors but doesn’t behave how you expect.
At least until it gets direct dom manipulation and multithreading…
I had one of those that was grandma-owned but the transmission shit the bed within 5k miles. What a pos.
3Blue1Brown on youtube has amazingly good visual explanations for various math concepts. Helped me out a lot when I was having trouble with calculus. It doesn’t help specifically with memorizing theorems or anything, but provides a good conceptual framework to start with. https://www.youtube.com/c/3blue1brown
There’s nothing quite like the unique pain of navigating an unfamiliar codebase that treats abstraction as free and lines of code in one place as expensive. It’s like reading a book with only one sentence per page, how are you supposed to understand the full context of anything??
Software devs in general seem to have a hard time with balance. No comments or too many comments. Not enough abstraction or too much, overly rigid or loose coding standards, overoptimizing or underoptimizing. To be fair it is difficult to get there.
Maybe the word “audit” is incorrect? If they didn’t provide you any guidelines, I’d definitely recommend asking. But it’s possible they’re just looking for your perspective on best practices and possible improvement ideas, more like a general code review.
Interesting, yeah. I inherited a Blazor project though and have nothing positive to say about it really. Some of it is probably implementation, but it’s a shining example of how much better it is to choose the right tool for the job, rather than reinventing the wheel. For a while I was joking about setting the whole project “ablazor” until we finally decided to go back to a React/C# ASP.NET stack. If you’re thinking of using Blazor still, though, I think two fun things to look into are “linting issues with Blazor” and “Blazor slow”. I’ve heard people praise it, but they tend to be those who consider themselves backend devs that occasionally get stuck making frontends.
I’ve already left, but seeing them marching towards an IPO makes me even happier with my decision. I just fear that the mountains of helpful troubleshooting and advice on Reddit will be locked away forever soon, while the rest of the web falls to SEO and AI-generated nonsense text…
Nothing like trying to make sense of code you come across and all the function parameters have unhelpful names, are not primitive types, and have no type information whatsoever. Then you get to crawl through the entire thing to make sense of it.
It’s my birthday too! Happy bday!
How do you type letters like ‘a’ and ‘L’?