I think the opposite. It works well for every day folks, but those of us with extra hardware, gaming peripherals, macros, etc have a real struggle getting it all to work, easily, out of the box, on the first try.
I think the opposite. It works well for every day folks, but those of us with extra hardware, gaming peripherals, macros, etc have a real struggle getting it all to work, easily, out of the box, on the first try.
Sure let’s start a witch hunt banning people and companies who don’t align with our unique individual politics. What could go wrong?
I don’t think you understood the question :)
I was against them for years. As a prank, a friend bought me bright yellow ones. I only wore them privately in the house.
I wore them down after 10 years and finally just replaced them. I have a fancier slipper style pair for when I go to peoples houses. I can’t not wear them now. Buy them. Love them. They’re cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Magical.
EMT does but its not the same. Show got repetitive, so I guess they changed it up, but its crap now.
I’ll donate to that
Epic Meal Time and Pure Pwnage
Grats! Just hit 2 years myself.
Im a cyclist who would love to not have to own a car but its just impossible between the suburbs, winter climate, and shitty, dirty public transport in my city. It also takes 10x longer to get anywhere. Plus anyone I know who bikes to work stinks.
What’s a decent game i should try made by Godot?
It’s a service that allows tv/movie streaming from torrents. I use it with the ‘Seren’ addon within Kodi on my HTPC/FireSticks. It’s $20/6 months, and works great. No buffering.
The first time I picked up a crayon, I used my left hand. My parents were concerned but waited it out. After watching me use my left hand the next few times they decided to convert me.
I was brought to a special Sunday school service where right is right. They started with drawing, then moved on to writing. Eventually they worked on my instincts, by throwing things at me, at random, to ensure I used the right hand to catch. I was slapped with a yard stick in the knuckles whenever I used the wrong hand.
Leftiism exists. Parents think they are helping but it’s caused all sorts of problems in my life.
Me! I was a huge fan of Kevin Rose due to TechTV and jumped on board as soon as he released it.
I used signal for 2 years. Only got 2 friends to join. Dropped it when they removed SMS. I’ve settled for Facebook messenger lite and my social life is booming again.
They give you extra storage every year on your anniversary.
Swearing. It’s the fucking best!
Like dust under a rug!
Great game. Personally too hard to play on mobile (for me), PC ftw.
Antimine on fdroid. Its my only game (plus ROMs).
Vr porn makes it worth it