Or I did just web search for 2024 and there are indeed ‘European Parliament election in France’ as a result.
But you probably understood very well what was saying and why I was writing it. Do you have an explanation for his behaviour?
Are there elections coming in France?
We are hearing big words from Macron over and over in the last few weeks to support Ukraine - yet France is far behind when in comes to supporting Ukraine financially or with military equipment. And please don’t bring that Reddit meme ‘France is doing everything secretly and nobody knows about it’. Democratic financing in billions of Euros is public and not a high toilet paper bill like in Hollywood movies from the 80s. There is of course a lot of proportionate support by France within the EU-assistance, as France is a big economy and paying into the EU budget. It’s a similar situation with Italy, as they are another big economy within the EU. Both EU ‘power houses’ are far behind when it comes to direct support for Ukraine.
Macron has been telling us just last week, that the local EU arms industry needs more orders to enable low and competitive prices. He also told us support for Ukraine should only receive subsidies for EU-made products. And last week we saw statistics that the arm industry/exports from the USA and France profited the most from the Russian invasion in Ukraine, as everyone is getting their military up to date and ordering a lot. So everything plays in his hands and France is reaping in big profits and getting support for its huge arms industry. Yet, the country is far behind in supporting Ukraine and Macron keeps calling other countries to support Ukraine more - or here that ‘Europe will lose all credibility’.
What is going on here? Elections?
Allein schon die geplante Elektrizitätsversorgung. Geplant waren 25 GW neue Gaskraftwerke, die später auf Wasserstoff umgestellt werden. Als Ersatz für Kohle, später Gas. Es sind weniger als 25 GW geworden aber dennoch wird Wasserstoff und Infrastruktur in nationalem Ausmaß geplant.
I think the article only mentions the prices in the Google store, which are way more expensive than other shops. The Pixel 8 128GB is currently available at 550€.
So the Pixel 8a at 570€ would be the more expensive model.
It’s all exciting action to record with the phone, until a ship explodes and reality kicks in.
“Tobias Ellwood, the former chairman of the Commons defence committee” is about half a year behind with his accusation. So either it’s just for show or he’s not well informed about this topic.
Already October 2023, this was in the news for everyone to read, that France and the UK are providing the geodata for their cruise missile targets and that the UK has personnel in Ukraine.
One example article I just picked via web search: German Tagesspiegel, dated 05.10.2023
Quote & DeepL translation:
The British and French can do something “we can’t”
The UK and France have nevertheless supplied cruise missiles of the virtually identical types “Storm Shadow” and “Scalp”. According to Bild, Scholz said in a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee last week that these two countries “can do something that we are not allowed to do”, adding: “So the question does not arise.”
What he meant was that the UK and France supplied the geodata for missile targets themselves, with the UK also having its own personnel on the ground in Ukraine. This is out of the question for the German government.
Besides the title statement, China hasn’t done anything. In the article text, they get more into detail and it’s the Western sanctions leading to individual companies stopping their services for Russians. Companies don’t want to get dragged into Western sanctions themselves, so they stop their business with/in Russia.
Article quotes:
News portal 66.ru reported that while payment by physical UnionPay cards appears to work as usual, the same cards linked to the Huawei Pay service are refused in Russia.
The decision was made by Chinese banks Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Bank of China due to the “risks of secondary sanctions” from the United States,
Beim Motorrad ist es ja auch so, dass du anfangs nur schwach motorisierte Fahren darfst und nach ein paar Jahren bzw. mit höherem Alter dann erweitern auf stärker motorisierte.
Wer schon einen Führerschein der Klasse A1 oder A2 besitzt, kann diesen auf die nächsthöhere Stufe der Klasse A2 oder A erweitern. Dafür muss man die bisherige Fahrerlaubnis mindestens zwei Jahre haben. Ist diese Voraussetzung erfüllt, benötigt man nach einer Prüfungsvorbereitung in der Fahrschule nur noch eine praktische Prüfung, jedoch keine theoretische mehr (sog. Stufenführerschein). https://www.adac.de/verkehr/rund-um-den-fuehrerschein/klassen/motorrad/
Wikipedia also has a list with more countries and animals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_national_animals
E.g. Denmark even has 3 national animals listed and not just the swan in the picture: Red squirrel (national mammal), Mute swan (national bird) and Small tortoiseshell (national butterfly).
Die Erklärung ist ziemlich am Ende des Artikels:
Doch Lindners und Habecks Plan ist kein Selbstzweck. Die Minister wollen mit dem Erlös aus dem Verkauf von Post- und Telekom-Aktien das Eigenkapital der Bahn aufpolstern. Die geplante Bevorzugung der Post dürfte deren Börsenwert steigern.
Oh wow that turret was probably seen on various radars in the region.
Musst nicht einmal schlecht sein dort weit oben zu stehen:
Erfasst werden alle in einem Staat anfallenden Verpackungsabfälle, unabhängig davon, ob sie in der Industrie, im Handel, im Büro, in Geschäften, im Dienstleistungsbereich, in Haushalten oder auf einer anderen Ebene erzeugt werden.
Die wichtigsten Verpackungsmaterialien sind Glas, Papier und Pappe, Kunststoffe, Metalle (Aluminium und Stahl) sowie Holz.
Es könnte auch heißen wir setzen mehr auf recyclebare und schwerere Verpackungen aus Glas bzw. auch Pappe ist schwerer als eine Plastikverpackung. Die Statistik geht rein nach Gewicht. Wir könnten also einfach ein solideres Kreislaufsystem bei Verpackungen haben und auf diese Weise mehr Gewicht in die Statistik bringen. Darauf geht der verlinkte Artikel leider nicht ein.
Bspw. die Biscotto American Cookies von Aldi auf meinem Tisch hier: Letztes Jahr hatten die noch einen hauchdünnen Plastikeinsatz innerhalb der Plastikfolie. Jetzt ist es ein dickerer Träger aus Pappe für die Kekse.
You have to watch until the end, approx. at 1:30 it starts getting more interesting. It’s like poking a stick into an anthill.
Is the canal already open again?
The El-Mansy bridge can be found on Google Earth/Maps and it’s a floating bridge, with a fixed section on each bank:
But looking on https://www.vesselfinder.com/ over the last minutes, I saw two ships (Serengeti & Omiros L) passing that piece with the bridge from north to south through the canal.
edit: As others already posted: What a shit article, nothing is or was blocked. Reuters has the proper info.
There is no context and nothing specific, as the headline makes it seem. He is just putting out phrases in an interview:
“Wars develop in phases,” Stoltenberg said […]
“We have to support Ukraine in both good and bad times,” he said.
"We should also be prepared for bad news,” Stoltenberg added […]
[…] Stoltenberg said. “The more we support the Ukraine, the faster the war will end."
This is the new shoot and scoot automatic in action.
I think there are also different mentalities. Just last winter, I had a similar discussion, where someone explained to me that the room heating is meant to fully offset the temperature, so he can walk summer and winter in shorts, t-shirt and barefoot. So it’s 23°C in winter.
While I’m used to wearing jogging pants and socks indoor during winter, so 18°C is fine for me.
Then again, you also have to adjust for personal preferences, different sex, different heating infrastructure etc. But 23°C to go shorts and barefoot in winter was an extreme reveal to me, that people do something like this as well.
More and more business in Sweden are refusing to work with Tesla. Suing will surely solve this problem. Big brain move there.
For decades we talk about stealth technology in aviation, x-th generation fighter, radar absorbing materials and so on. And now there is a war, with everyone having air defence available, and in the air, we see hobby camera drones dropping grenades and moped drones with a technology advancement to get black paint.
The quality of intelligence gathered by the drone is insane. The guy is playing dead, not moving, wearing sunglasses. When thinking about satellite images, aircraft taking pictures or binoculars, other lenses and cameras with high zoom, this would work.
But the drone zooms in and between hat and sunglasses, we see the eyes looking right up, we see the wink and the chest moving from breathing.