a British pint is 568mL
a British pint is 568mL
Don McLean almost sing Weird Al’s lyrics too during live performances…
if usa…you have recently elected one, is he not great? already disappointed in him? maybe ‘muricans’ will learn to take elections seriously next time…
well, there will be no food to eat, so everyone will starve anyway…
i will name mine Francis if it has clamps…
Memories…at the orphanage were I grew up we had a new foundland dog. He was dad to great many little critters. He took care of cats and rabbits. We also were the go-to place for animal kids that lost their mom. We had a roe deer he raised since very little and she was absolutely lovely, but she really thought she was a dog and behaved like one too.
The laptop is probably ok. Try out something fairly easy to install and beginner friendly. I recommend Mint and Ubuntu, they both have a large userbase to ask for help if you run into problems. Good luck!
if that’s a trophy wife…i’d rather lose…
i heard that he was the phantom killer…
there is a lot of books i have read more than once. but one stands out over all others, yet there is no storyline to speak of. The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie.
Saturday in nordic languages Lördag/lørdag is simply lögardagen, the day in the week when you took a bath.
i would have dreamt of having nothing but an apron…i was walking barefoot on glass shards hunted by dingos and crocs…sometimes even dropbears while my dad shot at me with a shotgun…i would have been lucky with nothing but an apron…try to tell kids today and they wont believe you…
…and they are both right…
let’s really show ones age…not really embarrassed, but it is not something i listen to today. Top pops - Mammy blue
when i see disgusting pricks saying something like this i go into exploited mood…beat the bastards…like we did with those nazis in the eighties…