All of the polls are horribly off. Trump is way behind. Biden"s approval ratings are also way off. They are much higher than the media portrays it. This is just corporate media selling us a horse race and FUD for ratings as usual.
All of the polls are horribly off. Trump is way behind. Biden"s approval ratings are also way off. They are much higher than the media portrays it. This is just corporate media selling us a horse race and FUD for ratings as usual.
Subscribe to all of them and enjoy.
Mega churches are an abomination.
Will proof of aliens change the brainwashed ultra religious? Not a chance. Hell, there are flatearthers and election deniers. I don’t expect much from about 30% of our population.
You mean are they just as addictive? Yeah. Its just as big of a scam as cigarettes and a monumental waste of money.
You mean we stopped buying crap junk and focused on nutritious real food? Good! Screw big agra and big food and they fake wheat, corn, soy frankenfood!
Bitwarden by a mile.
I disagree with you, but respectfully. Conservatism is basically just people who, for a variety of reasons (not all of them bad), generally vote for the status quo. This is human nature. Progressives are willing to push forward but also sometimes without regard to some of the consequences. Also human nature. Some people are bold and some people are timid. Having both around in a balanced way helps us all move forward with careful thought. That system is good overall.
The problem is that conservatives are really moderate democrats now. The modern Republicans are not conservatives. They are fascist cultist morons. I believe I explained myself fairly well in my first post. You might want to read the whole thing next time :)
This is a good thing. The only way the red states will change is by getting worse and worse. They will have no doctors, teachers, nurses, lawyers, or corporations that will purposefully live or do their work there if they can help it. If you are a woman, a person of color, a migrant, an LGBTQ person, a child, or anything other than an old white man, the red states are no longer safe for you.
I basically refuse to go to most of those states if I can help it. Florida? You couldn’t pay me to set foot in that state. I feel they same about Texas and many others.
I want conservatism to thrive. It does have a place in a healthy political system. But, my friends, the conservatives are the moderate Dems now. I don’t know what else to call the Republicans, other than fascists or cult members. It is a sickness that any person in their right mind should run as fast as they can from.
The truly upsetting part about this is that there are people that are desperate to leave those fascist states, that can’t for a variety of reasons outside their control. I wish things were different. This is just insanity.
Think of the Fediverse much more like Wikipedia than anything else. It is run in donations and volunteers. It is not for profit and for the benefit of all people.
Ground beef and eggs are about the most nutrition packed and inexpensive foods around.
These consolidation of media companies has been nothing short of a disaster for them over the last few years. I barely watch anything now. I can’t remember the last show that I watched that I truly loved and couldn’t miss. I ditched TV all together and all but Netflix and Disney+ for streaming. If it weren’t for my kids, I’m not sure I would even have those to be honest.
Well good! They can pay to mod everything then! Should be easy when everyone is gone or posting the new Lemmy community that is taking overr.
Learn how to read poll numbers.
Here is a great example on this very poll. https://lemmy.world/comment/1956223
Polling is basically horrible. It is basically marketing. Its either marketing for a candidate or for news media. It is a tool used to control what you read and believe, rather than to inform.