Bit of a mess, kinda depressed, and going through a gender identity crisis :3
(Ongoing issues, brain pls fix)
She’s what one would generally refer to as a tankie and even refers to herself as extremist, so I do believe that is the appropriate term.
Apparently to some that’s the goal. I had a chat with a leftist a while back while the US election was in full swing and she was absolutely against the concept of voting for a lesser evil, since the worse things get, the more people will turn to leftist extremism, which is a win in her book. Suffice it to say, that talk made me anything but sympathetic of her view…
In my experience not just sometimes, but rather commonly. It often feels like the native Linux version, if it is even available, gets far fewer bug fixes - not like I can blame them, considering the far lower amount of Linux players, but sometimes I wonder why they even bother with it in the first place if they don’t want to bother with focusing on it, with how good Proton is.
Note that it doesn’t mean metadata is encrypted. They may not know what you sent, but they may very well know you message your mum twice a day and who your close friends are that you message often, that kinda stuff. There’s a good bit you can do with metadata about messages combined with the data they gather through other services.
It’s likely a difference of emotion compared to logic. Emotionally they’d think “Damn it, now we need to check for such a weird specific edge-case, this is so annoying” while logically knowing it’s better the tester caught it.
Yep, got Timeshift hooked up to make a snapshot each time I update my system and I can boot into them via GRUB. Haven’t needed that so far, thankfully, but it’s there just in case.
Btrfs because it sounded cool when I first read about it and worked fine so far :3
Thank you for sharing this! Wouldn’t have known about it without you, time to sign it
And as always, there’s an XKCD comic about it
Well, flexbox and grid have different purposes in my opinion/experience. Personally I use grid for “top level” layouts like the layout of the whole site, while I tend to prefer flexbox for layouts inside the grid. Of course that’s just a rule of thumb, there are absolutely cases where this isn’t the best option.
I know you meant this sarcastically, but yes, flex is a good option for centering something. Either that or setting the left and right margins of the element to auto, which is generally even easier.
Basically, if you’re in a flex container use flex, if you’re in a grid use grid, and if neither of those apply set the left and right margins to auto.
Wait, it doesn’t support caldav? That really kills the appeal of the convenience they provide as a one-stop-shop, as I’d have to deal with hosting my calendars in another way. I guess at that point I could just get SimpleLogin and use the rest as I have it, even if that gets close to proton unlimited price-wise…
Really, I’d just recommend using nano then. It’s installed basically anywhere you can find vim and works perfectly fine as a text editor! To use vim effectively it has a learning curve no matter what, so it’s not necessarily meant for everyone.
It depends on what you’re used to and the programming languages you use. I learned typing on a German QWERTZ keyboard and while that works for languages like Python and Haskell, which are indentation-based, but for languages which use braces like Java, C, Rust, or similar, it can be annoying to have to use altgr+7 or altgr+0 for { and }. Thus I switched to a US ANSI layout, which was nicer for those specific characters, but caused problems when typing local characters like öäüß. After switching to Linux I set up a compose key, letting me press compose + a + " for ä for example, and while that’s a decent patch, that still breaks the typing flow. So now I’m in my ergo keyboard phase and trying to get my own personal layout going, which meets my own needs for needed characters, based on a colemak-dh design.
I mean, there’s always your own, if you want to
Huh, I never expected anyone to recommend Arch to me because you have to tinker too much with an alternative distro. I thought simplicity was the reason why people liked NixOS, no?
Sorry, I should’ve checked before posting
A quick reverse image search suggests it’s from the Webtoon “Monsters and Girls” made by Idolmantises
Are you male or female?
My dad is male and my mom is female, so basically, I’m mixed
I bought an HP Envy, one of these convertible laptop thingies, when I didn’t know any better. The hinge broke about a month after the warranty expired. Repair costs (at a local repair shop, but still) were like 200€ because apparently I had to buy a whole new top cover for the damn repair to work
Anyways, I’m gonna buy a Framework laptop next because fuck going through that again
If you read the actual article, there are two things that stand out:
So from my understanding you may very well be correct, instead of trying to block unions through negative reinforcement, they try to block them by rewarding you for not joining one.