I’m responding to this specific comment. I agree that the argument Trump’s lawyers are attempting to make is incredibly stupid.
I’m responding to this specific comment. I agree that the argument Trump’s lawyers are attempting to make is incredibly stupid.
Yup, agreed
And I’m saying that’s exceedingly dumb
…overturning an election has nothing to do with free speech.
That’s actually a perfect analogy. Don’t eat hotdogs you’ve found on the ground.
6600xt. Finally upgraded from my 980ti.
It’s great for the Steam Deck. Gyro is much better when it’s emulating a mouse than it is when emulating an analogue stick.
…so because Epic didn’t invent the anti-consumer practice, that means it’s fine for them to use it? Weird take.
Where did it seem like I was upset?
IOS has no such feature, what’re you talking about? This is exclusive to Reddit, and technically Apollo as a donation system. Apple didn’t make this, and it’s not a system level feature. Reddit made this, and you access this nonsense within their own app.
Also, congrats, you now know an Android user who cares about what their device looks like. I’m genuinely surprised I’m the first though, as the level of customization Android offers makes for an ideal place for those looking to customize the look of their device.
Btw try not to use so many strawman arguments in the future. I never said people used third party launchers exclusively to change icons, for example. I’m sure it wasn’t intentional, but figured I’d let you know regardless.
I’m confused, are you saying you don’t care about the icons at all? Like if they all look like complete ass you wouldn’t mind?
I’m also confused as to why you singled out IOS users, as Android literally has a built in system to change each and every icon yourself for free. If nobody cared that wouldn’t exist.
I agree with you, I don’t think anyone’s arguing against that. My sole point is that you can tell the difference between a bad performance and a good one, regardless of language. And it actually sounds like you agree with me.
Cmon man, don’t be obtuse. Nobody’s arguing that knowing the language doesn’t help. All we’re saying is that someone being dogshit at VA, vs when they’re competent, is pretty clear even if you don’t know the language.
Obviously knowing the language helps drastically and will help you clue in on more of the subtleties, especially when comparing VA’s that’re actually good vs just “sounding emotional”.
You can still tell when someone sounds stiff and awkward vs when someone sounds genuine.
If someone gives an emotional monologue in tears, their acting ability should be clear. Even if you don’t speak the language.
Second half is a bad take. Uncharted on the highest difficulties is fucking brutal.
My username is pure sarcasm unfortunately
Further consolidation is a major loss
But we’re not really calculating anything. I was 12 in 2012 and 8 in 2008. That’s much less a calculation and more so just observing numbers.
Haunting in Connecticut. I’m from Connecticut.
No worries man, it’s my bad. Seems like lots of people misunderstood so that’s on me for not being clearer.