Anyone have a link to a non-twitter source?
Anyone have a link to a non-twitter source?
God damn, thanks for this link. I’m not sure how I missed this year old video. I wish I could keep my cool as successfully as Stewart does in situations like this.
Except, instead of having a crippling love for his son, this Denethor has a daughter he wants to fuck.
Truth. This is more like having two Wormtongues trying to corrupt each other.
Thanks for the great reply! Super interesting stuff. I keep wanting to study up on all this crypto stuff since it seems like it’s not going anywhere at this point. Appreciate the links.
I don’t really know anything about crypto, but I’ve heard for many years how criminals use it to ransom things. I’ve always thought the “bitcoin is anonymous like cash” angle never made sense, since the entire point of the blockchain is to record ALL of it, and eventually that paper trail is going to tie it to someone. (It sounds like I’m somewhat correct about that since you mention “wash[ing]” it.)
I’ve never heard of monero. How does that work with the washing and whatnot? It’s a whole world I know nothing about, but find interesting.
38.3% of California voted for this.
“People forget I don’t live in China. Just because I praise Mao for wanting to shed the yoke of cultural tradition, doesn’t mean I necessary support everything he’s doing…” -Andy, if this was 1966
Are they notably great? DJI is up 47% over past 5 years. SPX is up 75.46%.
Thanks for the response! I’ll add these to my list to research.
I’m totally ignorant to the world of modern video lighting. Could the bulbs from any of these companies be used as “regular bulbs”? Meaning, could I put them in a ceiling light fixture and run them for 8 continuous hours/day? Or, are they intended to only be used for shorter duty cycles, like during a video shoot?
I love the idea of precisely adjustable, completely flicker free, high CRI lighting in my kitchen (which often doubles as a home office for me). A bonus would be beautiful flicker free videos of my cats, even in slo-mo! But, not if I’d have to replace the expensive bulbs every month because I’m not using them for their designed purpose.
I haven’t been completely satisfied with any of the more common IoT bulbs.
Oh boy, you’re in for a treat if you’re just entering The Expanse for the first time. Enjoy!
I see this type of comment somewhat often and I’m always left a little confused about what I’m missing. The only time I ever use the touch pads is in desktop mode, which is not that often. What games use the touch pads?
I don’t think the example given above is an apples-to-apples comparison though. This new example of “an infinite non-repeating string” is actually “an infinite non-repeating string of only 0s and 1s”. Of course it’s not going to contain a “2”, just like pi doesn’t contain a “Y”. Wouldn’t a more appropriate reframing of the original question to go with this new example be “would any finite string consisting of only 0s and 1s be present in it?”
You know what a true leader doesn’t have to do?
Affirm their position as leader.
If a few more CEOs gets off’d, they’ll ram gun control legislation through congress faster than Trump can wolf down a Big Mac.
YES—I’ve been saying this for years! If any politician actually believed any of the bullshit they say about illegal immigrants stealing jobs and ruining industries, they could instantly stop it by placing heavy fines on employers who are caught hiring them. There is no penalty big enough to block out the giant glowing neon “help wanted!” sign on the US side of its southern border. Politicians would rather spend millions breaking up families, and imprisoning children than slap a fat fine on some construction and agriculture companies.
The way this article is framed sounds like bullshit to me. 18.1 was released less than 2 weeks ago. Any phone running this version of iOS would have had to already been in custody and somehow upgraded to this version, or otherwise brought into custody very recently—too recently for this to have already posed such a problem that law enforcement is “freaking out” and reporting it to the media.
I drive past a nearby house a few times a week that has one of these signs in the yard. It makes me smile every time.
Sounds like it’s worth checking out. Thanks for the tip!