Zebras are extremely aggressive and violent
Zebras are extremely aggressive and violent
I use mojeek. It’s good enough for me, image search sucks though
Edit: ups
Pretty sure this article has been at least partially written by an AI
Byzantium from Judith Herrin
Been to Guangdong, Beijing and Wuhan for work as early as this February. Very mixed experience for me. Rent is extremely variable depending where you are, can be as low as 100 $ a month for a rather shitty place up to several tens of thousand for places in the city of various quality (including abysmal).
Food is REALLY cheap, you could eat at a restaurant 3 meals a day and spend less than 10 buck in total, even higher end restaurants are much cheaper, for other stuff like clothes it varies, they are cheaper in general but not even remotely like the food.
There are definitely homeless people even children, it’s just that many Chinese cities are organized in sort of like “areas” so if you don’t look in the right places you won’t see them. Based on my experience I can sort of make up 3 or 4 types of areas (this is China so each area can be the size of a city itself):
Corpo Block. A large area sold out to corporations or other large institutions (banks, embassies etc.). Squicky clean, glass skyscrapers and trees, pretty much only offices and no one lives there, beautiful but also soulless and boring
Generic Block. Most of chinese city areas look like this. Ugly buildings, very clean but kinda of uncanny, some green here and there, lots of people, smog. Still better than American suburbs for sure.
The Slums. Trash, some homeless people, crappy place overall. Looks like someone fed Blame! pages to stable diffusion and had them colorized.
“Trad Block”. Beautiful, clean, some traditional oriental urban aesthetics incorporated with modern buildings. Legitimately wouldn’t mind living there, unfortunately the most rare type
Traina are fast, punctual and clean, but overall the experience is something out of Brazil (the movie). Taking the train is more complicated than flying. Firstly, as a foreigner you can’t buy the ticket like a normal humanoid, you need to go to a special office with documents and shit (this is true for lots of things, foreigners are basically second class citizens, tourists or not). Then they’ll check you when you enter the station, they’ll check you again when the train arrives, and the one more time before boarding the train, finally they’ll check you when you leave the station, also, occasionally they’ll complain for BS like carrying a shaving foam and other TSA-like BS
Where are you? I’ve been to China recently and it doesn’t reflect my experience at all
I agree with all of those with the possible exception of the third. I get why it’s annoying but in a narrative it’s a useful tool to keep good and evil clearly distinct.
I hate stories where the line between good and evil is constantly blurred and the bad guy turns out to be simply “misguided” or where we simply ignore the crimes of the MC 'cause they’re the MC so it’s ok
Tesla can “claim” whatever they want. At this point, I’m not sure I’d believe it even if I saw it
I mean, the officer was not killed by a protestor. If you read the title it seems that it was the group’s fault
Thanks. I used mojeek a few years ago and was not satisfied, maybe it’s time to give it another go
“Noem said she told the story about Cricket to show that in politics and life, she was willing to do what was “difficult, messy, and ugly” if it was necessary.”
Scary AF
This won’t delay shit
Laughs in 14 cervical vertebrae
As far as I know Telegram is the only one with piracy-oriented channels. Maybe we could start one on Signal
The marvels of intellectual property
I mean home manufacturing is cool and all, but in the short term open source hardware has the potential to create a lot more competition in traditional manufacturing. Most big tech rely on IP nowadays, without it there would be more competitors to drive prices down and increase supply. Home manufacturing is more in the far future IMO
open source hardware has a lot of potential
This actually seems realistic, foxes have been domesticated in a short period of time, and fennecs are adorable