I mean it depends on the cat
I have a feral who acts like it’s some great coincidence that she lives in the ultimate lap of developed world luxury and humans just happen to be there and no they can’t touch her
I have two kitten brothers who only love because they are fed. If one of us starts being more regular about feeding them then that’s their new best friend
I have an old lady cat who couldn’t care less about food she just wants her belly rubbed and a friend to be with
My husband has his geriatric boy who I’m fairly certain is a small man in a cat suit. He keeps us all on a tight schedule of demands.
That’s not uncommon or unexpected.
Many decades ago I worked at the sierra natural history museum in california. It on a college campus and it has a Richter scale within the confines of the museum
Classes more or less released for lunch at the same time every day past a certain point due to teachers union agreements. The Richter scale would always register a seismic event just from students migrating from the classrooms to the various food venues and seating areas. We had to make a note on the printout (yes I’m that old)