Nope sorry, we need them here.
Nope sorry, we need them here.
Wow, that’s a name I hadn’t heard of for a very long time. Now I’m feeling old, thanks for nothing.
Native French here, I had never heard of that word.
Useful tool that helped more than once finding the performance bottlenecks in my code.
That was pretty much the definition of AI before LLM came.
Don’t ask me, all these one-line packages are ridiculous, cause greater issues than whatever they solve, and are (part of) the reason why js and it’s ecosystem are not considered seriously by other developers.
Well javascript is the default language of the web, so no surprise it attracts a lot of newbies.
Just for the record, I think you’re conflating git and GitHub. They are not the same thing, even if GH would like you to think so.
Isn’t DOM manipulation notoriously tedious with WASM? That seems quite a showstopper for most client-side js I’d say.
Exactly, it was pretty useful until ~2015 imho. Then JS got better, and coffeescript did not follow these evolutions.
I thought of the same episode when reading the post. Truly a great show with a new take on superpowers.
Public transit ? What kind of filthy commie are you ? Why do you hate America’s car manufacturers?
The best tool is the one you have and are familiar with. That being said, it also depends on the task at hand. There’s no silver bullet, and anyone telling you this or that language is THE best without context is a fool.
That’s from Curb Your Enthusiasm I suppose.
You mean coreJS, not standard JS, right? But yes, it’s a sad story.
Chrome forked Webkit in 2012 to create Blink. It is reasonable to assume they have somewhat diverged since.