I haven’t made any womens style underwear yet but I’ve made men’s style. Sew like a man is where I get my patterns. The owner also makes how to videos that go with his patterns.
Bobbert bobberts things like no other bobbert
I haven’t made any womens style underwear yet but I’ve made men’s style. Sew like a man is where I get my patterns. The owner also makes how to videos that go with his patterns.
I could use a Lemmy group for that! I could also use a sewing group but haven’t found one yet.
What style of hemming did you do? Did you create a brand new hem or keep the old hem and attach it further up? I’ve been afraid to tackle hems on jeans so far.
I just did this with some jeans a few days ago. I’m a weirdo and have a hand crank Singer 128 that does a great job on extra thick fabric. I’ve found that my new singer heavy duty machine can’t handle fabric that is very thick.
I find that walking feet can be hit or miss. Sometimes it’s a matter of adjusting the zig zag stitch a bit or making sure you have a ball point knit needle in your machine to get the stitches right. Adjusting the pressure of the foot can help sometimes too. Luckily walking feet aren’t too expensive and they are fun to play with.
I eventually broke down and got a serger to make my own tshirts.
That’s where I started. Every time I have extra money things get out of hand! I hate seeing a good pair of pants go to waste over a small hole.